Browsing Research Report by Author "Jönsson, Sten"
Now showing items 1-20 of 23
Action Research in Management Accounting Studies
Jönsson, Sten (1999)New directions in management accounting studies should aim at getting us out of the ontological trap which is provided by the decision making conception of management. The Scandinavian tradition of fieldwork in the area ... -
Action towards time structures in product development processes - observations on the micro level
Jönsson, Sten (2003)In product development processes conventional wisdom has it that structure is provided by strict specifications of product properties, budgets and time schedules that are followed up (Womack et al 1990, Clark & Fujimoto, ... -
Articulation of principles on the micro level - observing argumentation in a merger process
Kokk, Gary; Rovio-Johansson, Airi; Jönsson, Sten (2004)The merging process between a Swedish and a Norwegian manufacturing company has been studied using interviews, video recordings and comments explaining video recorded events at meetings. It is assumed that sensemaking ... -
Banks and their world view contexts
Jönsson, Sten (Gothenburg Research Institute, 2016) -
Bracketing an issue in a product develoment process
Edström, Anders; Jönsson, Sten (2000)This paper deals with action in the complex setting of a large product develeopment project a new year model of a car. The prespective is that of one engineer who has discovered a problem with the prototype car he is ... -
Confrontation and the rules of the game in product development - the micro processes
Edström, Anders; Jönsson, Sten (2001)Observations from two car projects are analysed. Video-recordings of two sequences showing team members trying to use confrontation to make other members change their behaviour and pay more attention to the provision of ... -
The Controller's Managerial Work
Jönsson, Sten (2007-04-19)This article analyses a controller’s action in a product development setting. An alliance context provides for a hybrid form of governance and for complexity. The analysis builds on the participants’ own comments to a ... -
Doing interventionist research in management accounting
Lukka, Kari; Jönsson, Sten (2005)Interventionist research is not unobtrusive since the researcher deliberately seeks to make an impact on the world in order to gain knowledge. In this chapter we examine the fundamental nature of interventionist research ... -
Forskningsledarskap - en översikt. Rapport till Stiftelsen för Strategisk Forskning
Jönsson, Sten; Rovio-Johansson, Airi (2007-11-23) -
Från planeringens "rena" förnuft till upplevelse-erans "praktiska" förnuft - den vingliga vägen över de senaste decennierna
Jönsson, Sten (2006)This article tries to bridge between the firm belief in better planning as the path ahead and the more post modern conception of "experiences" and events as tools of promoting development today. It then focuses on the ... -
Hur sjuk är demokratin?
Jönsson, Sten (Gothenburg Research Institute, 2019-01)Lösningen på demokratiproblemet har i praktiken alltid varit att en elit skall styra i folkets namn och utan alltför mycket insyn från folket. Ingen kan ju ha något emot att saker görs för allas bästa, eller hur? Vi, folket, ... -
Integration, diversity and mutual learning in intra-Nordic management
Jönsson, Sten (2000) -
Managers work with words - an introduction
Jönsson, Sten (2001)This report tries to establish a theoretical position on the problem of dealing with contradictory goals in organisations. Our most prominent theories point to `sequential attention to alternatives' or `sequential attention ... -
Nordic Management & Business Administration Research - Quo Vadis?
Korneliussen, Tor; Jönsson, Sten; Rotefoss, Beate; Johanne Pettersen, Inger (2002)This paper deals with the ongoing debate as to whether there is a Nordic research tradition in management and business administration. And if there is such a tradition, what are the characteristics of this way of academic ... -
On academic writing
Jönsson, Sten (2006)Are there any useful tricks of the trade, as it were, to sustain a productive routine of writing for publication in academic journals?1 Nowadays the drive towards international publication is stronger than ever in Europe ... -
On the locus of justice in the resource allocation of a small city
Jönsson, Sten (1999)A narrative presenting the development and reforms of the budgetary process and related organisational changes in the city of Gothenburg is subjected to an analysis inspired by Rawls' Theory of Justice. It is found that ... -
Projects and core values
Jönsson, Sten (2002)Premium products do not speak for themselves! We do! When we experience them. We give them meaning by putting the core values that the products exhibit in context. The brand values provide a bridge between customer values ... -
Revisorrollens nedgång och fall
Jönsson, Sten (2004) -
Scholasticism, Fair Value and Ursury, According to Odd Langholm
Jönsson, Sten (Gothenburg Research Institute, 2017-10-31)Odd Langholm, a prominent Scandinavian scholar of early economic thought, provides us with cues on how to re-consider the fundamental assumptions that go into economic valuation and modelling. “Fair value” was not ... -
Stiff surprise - coping with surprising discoveries in product development processes
Edström, Anders; Jönsson, Sten (2001)An incident in a product development project is analysed to see how participants cope differently with surprising situations. This generates cognitive variety in the project team which means that the situation is complex ...