Browsing Research Report by Author "Edström, Anders"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Bracketing an issue in a product develoment process
Edström, Anders; Jönsson, Sten (2000)This paper deals with action in the complex setting of a large product develeopment project a new year model of a car. The prespective is that of one engineer who has discovered a problem with the prototype car he is ... -
Confrontation and the rules of the game in product development - the micro processes
Edström, Anders; Jönsson, Sten (2001)Observations from two car projects are analysed. Video-recordings of two sequences showing team members trying to use confrontation to make other members change their behaviour and pay more attention to the provision of ... -
Fri eller ställd. Om friställda industriarbetare i periferin - exemplet Lear i Bengsfors
Wass, Johan; Edström, Anders; Trägårdh, Björn (2002)I mars 1999 lämnade Lear Corporation i Bengtsfors beskedet att verksamheten tillverkning av säten till Volvo skulle läggas ner. Lear var kommunens i särklass största privata arbetsgivare med drygt 860 anställda och ... -
I KULTURENS GREPP - Nedläggningen av Lear Corporations fabrik i Bengtsfors. Ett industriellt drama i tre akter
Wass, Johan; Edström, Anders (2002)No abstract! -
Making Sense of Business.Reorganizing Processes in Swedish Rail
Tullberg, Maria; Edström, Anders (1999)In Sweden like in many other countries in Europe there is an ongoing process of making old, bureaucratic public service organizations, such as Vattenfall (heat and electricity generation), Sweden Post, Swedish Rail and ... -
Omställning till nytt arbete - en studie av Posten Futurum
Aronescu, Dana; Edström, Anders (2004)Posten har som ansvarig arbetsgivare skapat en särskild organisation, Posten Futurum, för att stödja och hjälpa anställda som blir övertaliga att få ett nytt arbete. I denna studie redovisas resultaten av telefonintervjuer ... -
Omstrukturering, omställning och kompetensväxling
Sabel, Ola; Edström, Anders (2005)Svenska företag har under 90-talet omstrukturerat sin verksamhet i snabbt tempo. Det finns många orsaker till detta. Avreglering av marknader, teknikutveckling, globalisering, värderingsförskjutningar hos kunder är några ... -
Stiff surprise - coping with surprising discoveries in product development processes
Edström, Anders; Jönsson, Sten (2001)An incident in a product development project is analysed to see how participants cope differently with surprising situations. This generates cognitive variety in the project team which means that the situation is complex ... -
The controller in action- participative control here and now in product development processes
Edström, Anders; Jönsson, Sten (1999)This paper analyses a video recorded exchange in a product development management group with a specific focus on the controller in action. This specimen of data serves to illustrate how larger issues of strategy ...