Now showing items 73-92 of 155

    • Konsumtionsrapporten 2018 

      Roos, John Magnus; Holmberg, Ulrika; Hansson, Lena; Karlsson, Therese M; Kristensson, Per (Handelshögskolan, Göteborgs universitet, 2018-12)
      I Konsumtionsrapporten 2018 sammanfattas och analyseras hushållens privata konsumtion i Sverige under 2017. Rapporten består av två delar. I den första delen, ”Basfakta”, ges en helhetsbild av hushållens konsumtion som ...
    • Konsumtionsrapporten 2021 

      Holmberg, Ulrika; Centrum för konsumtionsforskning (Handelshögskolan, Göteborgs universitet, 2021-12-22)
      I Konsumtionsrapporten 2021 sammanfattas och analyseras hushållens privata konsumtion i Sverige under 2020 och 2021. Här ges en helhetsbild av hushållens konsumtion, vilken baseras på statistik från framför allt Statistiska ...
    • Ledar – Medarbetarskapsutbyten (LMX) inom Detaljhandeln. Litteraturöversikt. 

      Rudolfsson, Lisa (2009-02-24)
      Svensk detaljhandel har undergått genomgripande strukturförändringar som medfört förbättrad produktivitet och en kraftigt ökad omsättning. Utvecklingen har bl.a. inneburit ökade krav på butikschefen att vara en effektiv ...
    • Lyckad integration? Skönlitterära beskrivningar av invandringen i Sverige 1945-2017 

      Czarniawska, Barbara (Gothenburg Research Institute, 2020)
    • Making Sense of Business.Reorganizing Processes in Swedish Rail 

      Tullberg, Maria; Edström, Anders (1999)
      In Sweden like in many other countries in Europe there is an ongoing process of making old, bureaucratic public service organizations, such as Vattenfall (heat and electricity generation), Sweden Post, Swedish Rail and ...
    • Managers work with words - an introduction 

      Jönsson, Sten (2001)
      This report tries to establish a theoretical position on the problem of dealing with contradictory goals in organisations. Our most prominent theories point to `sequential attention to alternatives' or `sequential attention ...
    • Managing Accountability: Exploring Reasoning in a Management Team 

      Rovio-Johansson, Airi (2005)
      This article deals with a sociocultural perspective on dialogue and communication in analyzing the actors’ ways of meaning making in talk as action in a management team meeting. It investigates the potential of the dialogical ...
    • Metaphors and the Cultural Context of organizing 

      Czarniawska, Barbara (2001)
      When the linguistic turn reached organization studies, it manifested itself in the first place by the interest in metaphors. The crucial role of these tropes for theory building was emphasized, and their place in the very ...
    • The moral responsibility of project selectors 

      Corvellec, Hervé; Macheridis, Nikos (2008-09-10)
      The starting point of this paper asserts that managers who elicit and select projects have a moral responsibility. Correspondingly, its purpose is to provide a means for project selectors to appreciate this responsibility ...
    • Mot en respektens etik för servicemötet 

      Corvellec, Hervé (2004)
      Servicemötet handlar oftast om ett möte mellan människor. I detta avseende är det inte bara legitimt utan även nödvändigt att betrakta det utifrån ett etiskt perspektiv och ställa sig frågan: vilken moral kräver servicemötet? ...
    • Negotiating Selves: Gender 

      Czarniawska, Barbara (2006)
      This paper suggests a way of framing gender production in workplaces as a negotiation with varying results. The basis for such a frame is a combination of the notions of ”positioning” (the discoursive production of selves, ...
    • Netting the information infrastructure of Stockholm. An idea travels throughout the world. 

      Dobers, Peter (1999)
      This paper illustrates how the idea of a national information infrastructure travels through the world. Once the idea has traveled from the United States to Europe and to Sweden it has been translated and localized into ...
    • New directions for management and organization studies on waste 

      Corvellec, Hervé (Gothenburg Research Institute, 2015)
      This article presents a research agenda about waste management from the perspective of management and organization studies. The agenda suggests that scholars should draw upon research on waste governance, lean management, ...
    • Nordic Management & Business Administration Research - Quo Vadis? 

      Korneliussen, Tor; Jönsson, Sten; Rotefoss, Beate; Johanne Pettersen, Inger (2002)
      This paper deals with the ongoing debate as to whether there is a Nordic research tradition in management and business administration. And if there is such a tradition, what are the characteristics of this way of academic ...
    • Om managementteori 

      Tengblad, Stefan (2000)
      Artikeln beskriver de två dominerande tanketraditionerna inom managementteori, den rationella respektive den normativa styrfilosofin. Detta görs genom att redogöra för huvuddragen i utvecklandet av respektive styrfilosofi, ...
    • Omställning till nytt arbete - en studie av Posten Futurum 

      Aronescu, Dana; Edström, Anders (2004)
      Posten har som ansvarig arbetsgivare skapat en särskild organisation, Posten Futurum, för att stödja och hjälpa anställda som blir övertaliga att få ett nytt arbete. I denna studie redovisas resultaten av telefonintervjuer ...
    • Omstrukturering, omställning och kompetensväxling 

      Sabel, Ola; Edström, Anders (2005)
      Svenska företag har under 90-talet omstrukturerat sin verksamhet i snabbt tempo. Det finns många orsaker till detta. Avreglering av marknader, teknikutveckling, globalisering, värderingsförskjutningar hos kunder är några ...
    • On academic writing 

      Jönsson, Sten (2006)
      Are there any useful tricks of the trade, as it were, to sustain a productive routine of writing for publication in academic journals?1 Nowadays the drive towards international publication is stronger than ever in Europe ...
    • On meshworks and other complications of portraying contemporary organizing 

      Czarniawska, Barbara (Gothenburg Research Institute, 2013-10)
      This text begins with a brief summary of problems resulting from the traditional framing of the term “organizations”. It ignores organizing without organizations, organizing between organizations, and the fact that ...