Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Automation of Stores - A case study about using unmanned vehicles at IKEA
Background and Problem Discussion: Industry 4.0 changes business climates and
the value creation for companies, rendering some processes obsolete when new requirements
are being placed on operational efficiency and ...
Development of Framework for Drivers and Barriers in the Implementation of Supply Chain 4.0.
Industrie 4.0 (I4.0), now commonly referred to as Industry 4.0 was a paradigm that originated
from a 2011 high-tech strategy project by the German government which was to promote the
digital revolution or digitalization ...
IT strategy as a service - A service developed to meet a new customer demand and digital market changes; A case study on consultancy service development
As companies today face rapid digital developments and changes in customer demand, the need and ability to respond quickly to market changes is critical. The traditional way of working with IT strategies with updates ...
Managing Service Innovation in an Increasingly Digitalized World - “It's more than just picking the low hanging fruits”
The ability to manage service innovation has become more important than ever for organizations in order to stay competitive. One of the prominent drivers for this increased focus on service innovation, is the digitalization ...
Digitalization explained in a fast-technological environment: Main challenges and solutions from a consulting point of view
Companies currently find themselves in a rapidly changing technological environment due to the
changes driven by digitalization. Those changes are shaped by the IT development and its shift
towards the core role of a ...
A Race to the Top in the Era of Artificial Intelligence - A Qualitative Study examining challenges & opportunities for small and medium sized Swedish companies in AI adoption
Background & Purpose:
This study focuses on challenges to AI adoption in small- and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)
in Sweden, as well as solutions to these challenges. The background, and the reason for studying
the ...
Contextualizing Data in Marketing Practice
Purpose - As data is becoming more available than ever for companies, this article aims
to uncover the role of data within marketing practices by following its path through the
marketers value creation process. That is, ...
Value Creation in the Banking Industry - A comparative case study of how value is proposed by two Swedish banks from a S-D logic perspective
This study examines how two banks with different digital strategies and customer interaction
approaches propose value propositions. Digitalization is reshaping industrial fundamentals as
well as leading to changes in the ...
The Digital Revolution: Structural transformation and changing demand of the banking industry
Due to technological revolutions, the digitalization has drastically changed the conditions for
all actors competing in the banking industry. As a result of new technological advances and
digital innovations facilitating ...
Customer involvement through social media in the product development process within the luxury goods industry
Background and Purpose Rapid technology transformation and changing customer preferences are impacting the luxury goods industry. By 2025, 100% of luxury purchases will be influenced by an online interaction and social ...