Now showing items 1-10 of 21
How the coronavirus made us nostalgic & affected our consumption
Consumption is usually seen as the way consumers purchase and
consume in order to make sense of themselves, their surroundings
and create meaning. However, the pandemic of Covid-19 has
spread worldwide and previous ...
Digital Marketing among SMEs within the B2B sector during Covid-19
This research ought to understand how Swedish-based SMEs within the B2B sector have adopted
digital marketing during the pandemic, and the factors that have served as enablers or barriers in the
process. The findings ...
LIFELONG LEARNING IN ORGANIZATIONS, BEFORE AND AFTER THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC - A multiple case study on large enterprises in the manufacturing industry
Given the current challenges companies have in remaining relevant in a dynamic and challenging market environment, a more serious attention should be addressed to the concept of continuous learning in the training of ...
Predicting the Potential Long-term Impacts of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Logistics Industry in Sweden: The use of Logistics Performance Indicators in the Decision-Making Process.
The logistics industry encountered some setbacks that led to disruptions as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic which is gradually easing out but with some still anticipated to persist into the future. The ripple effect of ...
The Impact of COVID-19 on Abnormal Tone in Corporate Communication: A Comparative Analysis of Affected and Non-Affected Industries
Background and Problem Definition: Effective communication is crucial for stakeholder relationships.
CEO letters convey important information, but during crises, companies and industries may misrepresent
their financial ...
Changing Work Pattern in Companies in the Context of Covid-19 Pandemic
This study is about investigation of the practices of two organisations/companies in terms of remote working within the context of the covid 19 pandemic. The study thus explored how the companies facilitated and enabled ...
A Fight to Survive Lockdown - A multiple case study on how firms in the hospitality industry have responded to the effects of Covid-19
This paper attempts to explore the theoretical dimensions of crisis management with an abductive approach using the Covid-19 pandemic’s effect on the hospitality industry as the main source for secondary as well as primary ...
Underpricing under Uncertainty: A comparative event study of the effects of Covid-19 restrictions on IPO underpricing
This paper has studied underpricing of initial public offerings during the highly uncertain
time of the Covid-19 pandemic. Sweden did not implement coercive strategies such as
lockdowns compared to most other countries, ...
M&A during a pandemic – Alterations of processes A case study on a Swedish strategic serial acquirer in the tech industry
Through a single case study, we expand on pre-existing M&A research by examining how M&A processes have been affected by the increased information asymmetry as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and what implications it ...
Family-owned SMEs: Role models of crisis management A case study of how the practice of crisis management has been performed by nine Swedish family-owned SMEs during the Covid-19 pandemic
Despite SMEs accounting for 99,9% of all registered firms in Sweden and that non-listed family-owned firms outperform their counterparts during crises, previous studies have neglected the field, resulting in an undiscovered ...