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dc.contributor.authorErlandson, Julius
dc.description.abstractAccording to the swedish curriculum, education in swedish upper secondary school should stimulate students’ imagination and critical thinking while shaping them into democratic citizens. As of the writing of this study, new policy documents for the 9 general subjects which are common to all upper secondary school orientation’s have been announced. These policy documents will come into effect the coming year (2025). This study has analyzed the citizenship ideals described in the curriculum and new policy documents, examining how the development of student’s democratic competences and citizenship are described in relation to each of the subjects. The method of choice has been an ideology-analysis, based on the dimensions constructed for the study: allsidighet (versatility) and självständighet (independence). In regard to these dimensions, the citizenship ideals described in the studied documents have been evaluated. The results of the study indicate that while independence appear to be portrayed as important in all the studied documents, versatility is lacking in the policy documents for mathematics, natural science studies and physical education and health. Those subjects’ policy documents tend to pay little attention to the importance of students developing the ability to see things from different perspectives. Furthermore, in regards to most subjects both independence and versatility are primarily portrayed as important in the description of the subjects’ purpose. How independence and versatility should be implemented in the subjects’ courses and the actual teaching is often
dc.subjectCurriculum, demokrati, fostran, medborgarideal, svensk skola, ämnesplansv
dc.titleVarierande medborgarideal -en studie av medborgarideal i svenska gymnasieskolans styrdokumentsv
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionenswe
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Political Scienceeng
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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