Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Juridiska institutionen by Title
Now showing items 24-36 of 36
Rätten till biträde – Om biträdeskostnaders hantering vid svenska domstolar
(2017-11-06)The term “Access to Justice” (AtJ) refers to the fundamental notion that all people – even disadvantaged groups of society – should enjoy effective legal/judicial protection, ultimately through the courts. Accordingly, the ... -
Rättstillämpningens tystnad. En rättsvetenskaplig narratologisk studie om argumentation och rättsliga uttryck inom civilprocessen
(2017-05-11)The thesis aims to develop methodological concepts that contribute to the under-standing of, and critique of, legal argumentation in court proceedings. The concepts take their onset in narratological terminology and in a ... -
Regulating Vessel-Source Air Pollution - Standard-Setting in the Regulation of SOx Emissions
(2017-10-11)Emissions of sulphur oxides (SOx) cause considerable global environmental and human health impacts including acidification, climate change, and increased premature deaths in human populations due to serious heart and lung ... -
Scaling Marine and Water Management
(2021-05-05)This book is concerned with the linkages between legal systems and the complexity of nature. It explores how legal delimitations of ecosystems and diffusion of management across different levels of administration affects ... -
The Common Good in Common Goods - The Decommodification of Fundamental Resources through Law
(2020-05-18)This dissertation is divided into three parts. Part I analyzes the Commons as a post-capitalist strategy accomplished through law by developing an alternative social theory of the market as a social institution. The social ... -
The EU investment court system. A viable reform initiative?
(2019-08-21)This thesis studies the Investment Court System - the EU’s response to the backlash against investor-state arbitration, and its contribution to the ongoing multilateral reform initiative in UNCITRAL. It includes, on the ... -
The Liability of Credit Rating Agencies to Investors – A Swedish Perspective
(2016-01-21)Credit rating agencies are vital to the operation of the global financial markets. They rate the ability of debtors to make timely interest payments and the likelihood of default. In the wake of the US subprime mortgage ... -
TO BELIEVE OR NOT TO BELIEVE – IS THAT THE QUESTION? A critical study of how the Swedish migration courts handle their responsibility to judge in asylum cases
(2023-05-08)In this dissertation, the Swedish migration courts’ handling of the risk responsibility of judging in asylum cases is studied. An empirical study of cases from the migration courts is followed by a critical analysis of the ... -
Trade Liberalisation, Health Protection, and the Burden of Proof in WTO Law
(2011-05-25)When a Member of the World Trade Organization (WTO) adopts a measure which it considers is necessary to protect against a health risk, but which constitutes a barrier to international trade in goods, there is a conflict ... -
Vänskapens kunskap och kraft. En rättsvetenskaplig studie av vänskapen omkring unga målsägande i sexualbrottmål.
(2023-09-28)This thesis delves into the theoretical and practical legal aspects of friends and friendships among young victims of child sexual abuse. The study examines these friendships and their impact on victims of sexual abuse, ... -
Vidta alla åtgärder som behövs – en rättvetenskaplig studie av arbetsgivarens ansvar att förebygga stressrelaterad ohälsa och uppnå en god psykosocial arbetsmiljö
(2013-05-14)Prevention of stress related ill-health is one of the most important occupational health and safety issues of our time. The Swedish Work Environment Act imposes extensive requirements regarding the psychosocial work ... -
Wreck Law - A Systematisation of Legal Interests and Conflicts
(2021-04-14)The purpose of this thesis is to systematise legal interests and conflicts in relation to wrecks and wreck removal. The ambition of the systematisation is to provide a framework and a perspective of this area of law and ...