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The Political Economy of Bread and Circuses: Weather Shocks and Classic Maya Monument Construction
(University of Gothenburg, 2024-11-18)In early states, government elites provided both productivity-enhancing infrastructure, such as irrigation systems, as well as seemingly non-productive monumental architecture like temples and pyramids. The nature of ... -
Female empowerment and male backlash: Experimental evidence from India
(2024-11)Public spending on gender equality and women’s empowerment is rising rapidly in many countries. However, the unintended consequences of women’s empowerment is rarely measured and remains poorly understood. We study the ... -
Can teaching children about the environment influence household behavior? Experiments in Swedish schools
(2024-10-30)In two separate field experiments with Swedish school children aged 10-16, we evaluate variants of an Environmental Education Program (EEP) designed to reduce household waste. We match the addresses of participating students ... -
Geographical Cross-Collateralization, Universal Coverage, and Co-Investment Policy
(2024-09)We argue that geographical cross-collateralization – a firm’s ability to pledge incomes earned in more populated areas as “collateral” for the loans needed to finance in- vestments in less populated areas – plays an ... -
The Impact of PhD Studies on Mental Health—A Longitudinal Population Study
(University of Gothenburg, 2024-09)Recent self-reported and cross-sectional survey evidence documents high levels of mental health problems among PhD students. We study the impact of PhD studies on mental health care uptake using Swedish administrative ... -
Gender Identity and Economic Decision Making
(University of Gothenburg, 2024-09)Economic research on gender gaps in preferences and economic outcomes has focused on variation with respect to sex—a binary classification as either a “man” or “woman.” We validate a novel and simple measure of self-reported ... -
Motherhood and Domestic Violence: A Longitudinal Study Using Population Wide Administrative Data
(University of Gothenburg, 2024-09)Most empirical studies indicate that becoming a mother is an augmenting factor for the perpetration of intimate partner violence (IPV). Using rich population-wide hospital records data from Sweden, we conduct a stacked ... -
A Dual Approach to the Derivation of Feedback Demand Functions for Capital-Accumulating Agents
(University of Gothenburg, 2024-05)An optimal control model of a consumer is developed that accounts for the consumption of many goods and services, the accumulation of wealth, a state variable that affects instantaneous preferences and wealth accumulation, ... -
Nudges and Monetary Incentives: A Green Partnership?
(University of Gothenburg, 2024-03)Shifting individual behaviour is an important tool for addressing environmental issues and there is a wide literature evaluating interventions to encourage pro-environmental behaviour. One important but under-researched ... -
How Much Liberty Should We Have? Citizens versus Experts on Regulating Externalities and Internalities
(University of Gothenburg, 2024-01)Based on a tailor-made survey, we find that experts – academics and civil servants – are much more willing than citizens in Sweden to accept liberty-reducing regulations. Moreover, both citizens and experts are more ... -
Child Labour Background, Challenges, and the Role of Research in Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 8.7
(Gothenburg University, 2024-01)The focus of this report is on child labour, which is a main component of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8.7. After providing a brief background on child labour, this report provides an overview of the factors that ... -
Saddlepoint approximations for credit portfolio distributions with applications in equity risk management
(University of Gothenburg, 2023-12)We study saddlepoint approximations to the tail-distribution for credit portfolio losses in continuous time intensity based models under conditional independent homogeneous settings. In such models, conditional on the ... -
Encouraging adoption of fuel-efficient vehicles – A policy reform evaluation from Ethiopia
(University of Gothenburg, 2023-11)The extent of vehicle ownership is increasing in many developing countries. Most of the increase takes place through import of second-hand vehicles that are usually fuel-inefficient and have poor emissions standards. ... -
Optimal Taxation and Other-Regarding Preferences
(University of Gothenburg, 2023-10)The present paper analyzes optimal redistributive income taxation in a Mirrleesian framework extended with other-regarding preferences at the individual level. We start by developing a general model where the other-regarding ... -
Risk management of stock portfolios with jumps at exogenous default events
(University of Gothenburg, 2023-09)In this paper we study equity risk management of stock portfolios where the individual stock prices have downward jumps at the defaults of an exogenous group of defaultable entities. The default times can come from any ... -
Conditional Persistence? Historical Disease Exposure and Government Response to COVID-19
(University of Gothenburg, 2023-08)Drawing on the literature on cultural adaptations to historical disease exposure, we investigate differences in government containment policies to the COVID-19 pandemic. We hypothesize that a higher historical exposure ... -
Sustainable Economic Growth: A Critical Assessment of SDG 8.1
(University of Gothenburg, 2023-04)In this report, we focus on the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) target 8.1, stipulating that countries should pursue real GDP per capita growth rates that are in accordance with their national circumstances and that ... -
Locus of Control and Economic Decision-Making: A Field Experiment in Odisha, India
(University of Gothenburg, 2023-04)We study psychological impediments that make it difficult to change be- haviour. In particular, we evaluate the impact of a randomised psychological intervention designed to target locus of control{an individual's belief ... -
Drought and Political Trust
(University of Gothenburg, 2023-04)Droughts can affect people’s political trust positively, through rallying effects, or negatively, through blame attribution. We examine how drought conditions affect political trust in the context of Africa. We link ... -
Changing local customs: Long-run impacts of the earliest campaigns against female genital cutting
(University of Gothenburg, 2023-03)This paper investigates the long-run impacts of Christian missionary expansion on the practice of female genital cutting (FGC) in sub-Saharan Africa. The empirical analysis draws on historical data on the locations of early ...