Browsing Working papers by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 851
Aid and child health: Local effects of aid on stunting in Malawi
(University of Gothenburg, 2022-11)Abstract: Motivated by a recent setback in the fight against child malnutrition, this study explores whether aid projects help to reduce stunting, or impaired growth, among children in the local area. Focusing on Malawi, ... -
Aid and Economic Development in Africa
(2006)The question discussed in this in this paper is whether foreign aid can help accelerate growth in African countries. The paper reviews growth determinants and growth constraints in Africa and discusses how aid can help ... -
Aid and institutions: Local effects of World Bank aid on perceived institutional quality in Africa
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-06)Motivated by the lack of sub-national empirical evidence on the relationship between aid and institutional development, this study explores the local effects of World Bank aid on perceived institutional quality in African ... -
Air Pollution Dynamics and the Need for Temporally Differentiated Road Pricing
(2013-09)In this paper we investigate the effects of the temporal variation of pollution dispersion, traffic flows and vehicular emissions on pollution concentration and illustrate the need for temporally differentiated road pricing ... -
Airline choice, switching costs and frequent flyer programs
(2004)Switching costs are costs that customers face when switching from one firm to another. In markets such as the airline market where repeated purchases are common, switching costs may be substantial. In this paper we ... -
Airport Marginal Cost Pricing: Discussion and an Application to Swedish Airports
(2002)We derive an optimal airport-pricing model, both with and without a constraint on the revenues, that includes all relevant external marginal costs,. Given the results of the model we discuss the implications on the profit ... -
All it takes is one: The effect of weakest-link and summation aggregation on public good provision under threshold uncertainty
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-11)We report experimental evidence on the voluntary provision of public goods under threshold uncertainty. By explicitly comparing two prominent technologies, summation and weakest link, we show that uncertainty is particularly ... -
Altruism and Career Concerns
(2010-01-22)The paper studies the impact of altruism on Agent’s motivation in the career concerns model. I show that career concerns incentive is lessened by altruism. As a consequence, altruism can decrease effort, though conventional ... -
Amenity Values of Proximity to National Wildlife Refuges: An analysis of urban residential property values
(2013-03)The National Wildlife Refuge system is a network of permanently protected open space encompassing more than 150 million acres across 50 states. Maintaining such a large network of permanently protected open space can put ... -
An Analysis of Subordinated Debt in Banking:The Case of Costly Bankruptcy
(2001)The paper analyzes the mandatory subordinated debt proposals in banking. It theoretically investigates the role of subordinated debt as a buffer against losses for the deposit insurer, and its role in providing direct and ... -
An App Call a Day Keeps the Patient Away? Substitution of Online and In-Person Doctor Consultations Among Young Adults
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-06, r)The emergence of markets for on-demand online physician consultations –direct-to-consumer telemedicine (DCT) – is currently transforming many healthcare settings. DCT may be a cost-effective substitute for ordinary ... -
An Electricity Trading System with Tradable Green Certificates and CO2 Emission Allowances
(2011-05)Combinations of various policy instruments to deal with the threat of cli- mate change are used throughout the world. The aim of this article is to investigate an electricity market with two di¤erent policy instruments ... -
An Electricity Trading System with Tradable Green Certificates and CO2 Emission Allowances
(2011-05)Combinations of various policy instruments to deal with the threat of climate change are used throughout the world. The aim of this article is to investigate an electricity market with two di¤erent policy instruments, Tradable ... -
An Empirical Analysis of Provincial Productivity in China (1979-2001)
(2004)This study estimates and analyzes provincial productivity growth in China for the period of 1979-2001. The Malmquist Index approach used in the study allows us to decompose productivity growth into two mutually exclusive ... -
An empirical model of dyadic link formation in a network with unobserved heterogeneity
(2017-03)In this paper I study a fixed effects model of dyadic link formation for directed networks. I discuss inference on structural parameters as well as a test of model specification. In the model, an agent's linking decisions ... -
An Empirical Test of Purchasing Power Parity in Selected African Countries - a Panel Data Approach
(2001)The paper tests whether the theory of Purchasing Power Parity holds in a selected sample of twenty African countries. The paper employs a panel unit root test to test whether the real exchange rates in the panel are mean ... -
Analyzing Economic Market Interactions as Conflicts: New Concepts to Assess Market-Based Policy Instruments
(2006)Complementing market-based policy instruments with conflict analysis approaches provides a wider understanding of market situations and allows to identify minimal requirements regarding needs, power and conflict dynamics. ... -
Animal Welfare and Social Decisions
(2011-01)This paper analyzes the standard welfare economics assumption of anthropocentric welfarism, i.e., that only human well-being counts intrinsically. Alternatives where animal welfare matters intrinsically are explored ... -
Anonymity, Reciprocity, and Conformity: Evidence from Voluntary Contributions to a National Park in Costa Rica
(2007-02-21)We investigate the role of anonymity, reciprocity, and conformity for voluntary contributions, based on a natural field experiment conducted at a national park in Costa Rica. Contributions made in public in front of the ... -
Anyone for Higher Speed Limits? - Self-Interested and Adaptive Political Preferences
(2003)Swedish survey-evidence indicates that variables reflecting self-interest are important in explaining people’s preferred speed limits, and that political preferences adapt to technological development. Drivers of cars ...