Browsing Working papers by Title
Now showing items 810-829 of 851
Valuation of Voting Scheme Changes
(2004)This paper studies the effects of the change of voting scheme on the market prices of Electrolux and SKF AB using standard event study methodology and a clinical approach. The economic effect of the voting scheme change ... -
Value of commuting time saving in Beijing: a stated preference study
(2018-03)We estimate the value of travel time savings with a discrete choice model using data from choice experiments on both car drivers and public transport users in Beijing. We find that, compared with public transport users, ... -
Value of statistical life and cause of accident: A choice experiment
(2008-12-09)The purpose of this study is to compare value of statistical life (VSL) estimates for traffic, drowning and fire accidents. Using a choice experiment in a mail survey of 5000 Swedish respondents we estimated the willingness ... -
Veblens Theory of the Leisure Class Revisited: Implications for Optimal Income Taxation
(2010-08)Almost all previous studies on public policy under relative consumption concerns have ignored the role of leisure for status comparisons. Inspired by Veblen (1899), this paper considers a two-type optimal income tax model, ... -
Volatility of the Stochastic Discount Factor, and the Distinction between Risk-Neutral and Objective Probability Measures
(2005)This paper derives a measure that characterizes the distance between the risk-neutral and the objective probability measures for any candidate asset pricing model. We formally show that the distance metric is equal to the ... -
Voting and the Macroeconomy
(2006)Forthcoming in The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy Barry R. Weingast and Donald Wittman,eds. Oxford University Press,2006 -
Voting Motives, Group Identity, and Social Norms
(2009-06-17)The conventional rational voter model has problems explaining why people vote, since the costs typically exceed the expected benefits. This paper presents Swedish survey evidence suggesting that people vote based on a ... -
Wage Dispersion and Productive Efficiency: Evidence For Sweden
(2000)The effects of wage dispersion on productive efficiency is a topic rich in theoretical conjecture, a common object of Scandinavian polemical debate and at the same time an issue almost barren of systematic econometric ... -
Wage Effects of Labor Migration with International Capital Mobility
(2010-08)Wage effects of immigration are investigated in a setting with international capital mobility, which eliminates two-thirds of the native wage-effects of immigration. Without international capital mobility, overall gains ... -
Wages and Immigrant Occupational Composition in Sweden
(2010-03-17)This paper examines the relationship between immigrant occupational composition and wages in Sweden. Effects of changes in proportion of immigrant workers in different occupations on the wage levels of both natives and ... -
The Wealth Paradox Revisited: Credit Market Imperfections and Child Labor
(2008-10-24)We revisit the model of child labor in a peasant household presented in Bhalotra and Heady (2003), and demonstrate that the effect of credit market imperfections on child labor differs between households that save and ... -
Welfare Implications of Peer Punishment in Unequal Societies
(2006)We show that peer sanctioning increases cooperation in public goods experiments more in unequally endowed groups than in equally endowed groups. Punishment results in a redistribution of wealth from high to low endowment ... -
What contributes to life satisfaction in transitional Romania?
(2003)This paper analyzes life satisfaction in Romania in 2001, 12 years after the collapse of communism and the beginning of the transition into a market economy. Using a survey of 1770 individuals, we find that our results ... -
What do friends and media tell us? How different information channels affect women’s risk perceptions of age-related female infertility
(2007-03-16)Based on a survey given to a random sample of Swedish 20-40 year old females, this paper investigates through which channels women receive information about the general risk levels of age-related female infertility and ... -
What do respondents bring into contingent valuation? A comparison of monetary and labour payment vehicles
(2011-06)In the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM), both the goods being valued and the payment vehicles used to value them are mostly hypothetical. However, although numerous studies have examined the impact of experience with the ... -
What explains attitudes toward prostitution?
(2009-04-03)Using a larger and more representative sample than previous studies, we assess people’s attitudes toward prostitution in Norway and Sweden. Compared to previous statistical analyses in this field, the present study is ... -
What explains attitudes towards tax levels? A multi-tax comparison
(2006)We analyse Swedes’ opinions about the level of taxation for eleven different taxes to see what taxes people are most reluctant to and why. The most unpopular tax is the real estate tax, while the corporate tax is the least ... -
What Explains the International Location of Industry? -The Case of Clothing
(2009-12-21)The clothing sector has been a driver of diversification and growth for countries that have graduated into middle income. Using a partial adjustment panel data model for 61 countries 1975-2000, we investigate the global ... -
What Explains the International Location of the Clothing Industry?
(2008-02-21)The clothing sector has been a driver of diversification and growth for countries that have graduated into middle income. Using a partial adjustment panel data model, this study tries to explain the international location ... -
When Samuelson met Veblen abroad: National and global public good provision when social comparisons matter
(2012-09)This paper derives Pareto efficient policy rules for the provision of national as well as global public goods in a two-country world, where each individual cares about relative consumption within as well as between countries. ...