Browsing Working papers by Title
Now showing items 795-814 of 851
U.S. versus Sweden: The Effect of Alternative In-Work Tax Credit Policies on Labour Supply of Single Mothers
(2013-10)An essential difference between the design of the Swedish and the US in-work tax credit systems relates to their functional forms. Where the US earned income tax credit (EITC) is phased out and favours low and medium ... -
Unbundling Ex-Colonies: A Comment on Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson 2001
(2004)In this comment on AJR (2001), we argue that a bundling of all former colonies into one ‘colonial’ theory of comparative development is problematic for several reasons. During the mercantilist wave of mainly Latin American ... -
Uncovering the Effect of the HIV Epidemic on Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Case of Malawi
(2008-09-16)In many Sub-Saharan countries the HIV epidemic has spread to over 10% of the working-age population, and is likely to affect economically relevant behaviour. We evaluate the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on the ... -
Understanding Peer Effects: On the Nature, Estimation and Channels of Peer Effects
(2014-06)This paper provides evidence on ability peer effects in university education. Identification comes from the random assignment of students to sections. We find that students on average benefit from better-ability peers. ... -
Unequal Jury Representation and Its Consequences
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-03)We analyze the extent and consequences of unequal representation on juries in Harris County, Texas. We first document that residents from predominantly white and high-income neighborhoods are substantially over-represented ... -
Unequal Property Rights: A study of land right inequalities in Rwanda
(2011-06)The aim of the present paper is to examine the existence and patterns of systematic within-country inequalities in effective land rights in Rwanda. The results of empirical estimations drawing on data on the land tenure ... -
Unequal Provision of Local Public Services under the Threat of Secession
(2003)This paper studies to what extent it is possible to discriminate between two municipality parts by unequal public service provision when there is a threat of secession. The objective of the local politicians is to maximize ... -
Unintended Impacts of Multiple Instruments on Technology Adoption
(2009-02-23)There are many situations where environmental authorities use a mix of environmental policy instruments, rather than one single instrument, to address environmental concerns. For example, one instrument may be used to ... -
Used Clothes As Development Aid: The political economy of rags
(1999)Should Swedish used-clothes exports continue to be subsidized as development aid? Theoretical analysis and review of empirical evidence regarding effects of both commercial and charitable (subsidized) used-clothes imports ... -
Using Cheap-Talk as a Test of Validity in Choice Experiments
(2004)In two experiments on the choice of consumer goods, the estimated marginal willingness to pay for food are found to be lower in the survey version with cheap talk. Our test can be seen as a test of hypothetical bias. This ... -
Using Choice Experiments for Non-Market Valuation
(2001)This paper provides the latest research developments in the method of choice experiments applied to valuation of non-market goods. Choice experiments, along with the, by now, well-known contingent valuation method, are ... -
Using Ex Post Data to Estimate the Hurdle Rate of Abatement Investments - An Application to the Swedish Pulp and Paper Industry and Energy Sector
(2007-03-21)We propose a method for estimating hurdle rates for firms’ investments in pollution abatement technology, using ex post data. The method is based on a structural option value model where the future price of polluting ... -
Using Panel Data to Construct Simple and Efficient Unit Root Tests in the Presence of GARCH
(2009-09-11)In search for more efficient unit root tests in the presence of GARCH, some researchers have recently turned their attention to estimation by maximum likelihood. However, although theoretically appealing, the new test ... -
Using stated preference methods to evaluate the impact of water on health: the case of metropolitan Cairo
(2003)This paper analysis the impact of better water quality on health improvements using two stated preference methods: choice experiments and the contingent valuation method. These methods were administered to a random sample ... -
Utveckling och spridning av forskning: fallet effektivitetsforskning
(2005)Recent availability of electronically accessible database of journal articles makes studies of the diffusion of papers through citations possible. Citation peaks have been found to be typically five to seven years, with a ... -
Valuation of Voting Scheme Changes
(2004)This paper studies the effects of the change of voting scheme on the market prices of Electrolux and SKF AB using standard event study methodology and a clinical approach. The economic effect of the voting scheme change ... -
Value of commuting time saving in Beijing: a stated preference study
(2018-03)We estimate the value of travel time savings with a discrete choice model using data from choice experiments on both car drivers and public transport users in Beijing. We find that, compared with public transport users, ... -
Value of statistical life and cause of accident: A choice experiment
(2008-12-09)The purpose of this study is to compare value of statistical life (VSL) estimates for traffic, drowning and fire accidents. Using a choice experiment in a mail survey of 5000 Swedish respondents we estimated the willingness ... -
Veblens Theory of the Leisure Class Revisited: Implications for Optimal Income Taxation
(2010-08)Almost all previous studies on public policy under relative consumption concerns have ignored the role of leisure for status comparisons. Inspired by Veblen (1899), this paper considers a two-type optimal income tax model, ... -
Volatility of the Stochastic Discount Factor, and the Distinction between Risk-Neutral and Objective Probability Measures
(2005)This paper derives a measure that characterizes the distance between the risk-neutral and the objective probability measures for any candidate asset pricing model. We formally show that the distance metric is equal to the ...