Browsing Working papers by Title
Now showing items 470-489 of 851
Naïve and Capricious: Stumbling into the ring of self-control conflict
(2011-08)We model self-control conflict as a stochastic struggle of an agent against a visceral influence, which impels the agent to act sub-optimally. The agent holds costly pre-commitment technology to avoid the conflict altogether ... -
Naïve Beliefs and the Multiplicity of Social Norms
(2011-02)In a signalling model of conformity, we demonstrate that naïve observers, those that take actions at face value, constrain the set of actions that can possibly be social norms. With rational observers many actions can ... -
Nationalism and Government Effectiveness
(2008-09-02)The literature on nation-building and nationalism suggests that nation-building affects economic and political performance, mitigates the problems associated with ethnic hetero- geneity, but that nationalism, an indicator ... -
Natural Disasters and Government Turnover
(2013-02)Natural disasters have been linked to both violent conflict and, in some settings, poor economic growth, but do they also drive government parties out of office? We study government turnover in a global sample of more ... -
Natural Resource Dependency and Quality of Government
(2009-12-04)This paper introduces quality of government rather than regime type as dependent variable in studies of the political effects of natural resources. It consists of two parts. First, it theorizes the role of fiscal dependency ... -
Natural Resource Management: Challenges and Policy Options
(2011-01)Much of the improvement in living standards in developed and developing countries alike is attributable to the exploitation of nonrenewable and renewable resources. The problem is to know when the exploitation occurs at ... -
Natural Resource use Conflict: Gold Mining in Tropical Rainforest in Ghana
(2005)Gold is frequently mined in rainforests that can provide either gold or forest benefits, but not both. This conflict in resource use occurs in Ghana, a developing country in the tropics where the capital needed for mining ... -
Negative Externalities in Day Care: Optimal Tax Policy Response
(2002)Systematic pediatric evidence shows that the morbidity rates for children in day care are increasing in the group size. Sick children are usually cared for at home by parents. This creates a negative externality of ... -
“Never on a Sunday”: Economic Incentives and Sick Leave in Sweden
(2004)Using a longitudinal data for about 1800 persons observed between 1986 and 1991, this study investigates the incentive effects on short-term sickness spells of two important regime changes in the social insurance system ... -
NIMBY or YIMBY? Municipalities' reaction to disaster waste from the Great East Japan Earthquake
(2014-06)This study investigates the determinants of transfer of waste between the affected areas and other municipalities that resulted from the Great East Japan Earthquake. In particular, we investigate to what extent economic ... -
Nominal Wage Flexibility in a Monetary Union
(2002)Membership in a monetary union reduces the possibilities to counteract fluctuations in productivity by monetary policy. One condition for entrance not to lead to adverse unemployment performance is that wages are flexible ... -
Non Utility Maximizing Behaviour: Probabilistic Choice in a Budget Set “Box”. Properties of Expected Demand Functions
(2008-03-18)In this paper we use some(even a convex) probabilistic frequency functions in two choice variables defined over the budget set” box” and calculate the expected demand to study its properties The expected demands have own ... -
Non-Life-Threatening Ailments and Rational Patience
(2019-08)The time at which a rational patient might choose an elective medical procedure for a non-life-threatening ailment is contemplated. The resulting model is purposely uncomplicated but general, and accounts for several basic ... -
Non-monotonic health behaviours - implications for individual health-related behaviour in a demand-for-health framework
(2014-03)A number of behaviours influence health in a non-monotonic way. Physical activity and alcohol consumption, for instance, may be beneficial to one’s health in moderate but detrimental in large quantities. We develop a ... -
Nonseparable Sample Selection Models with Censored Selection Rules
(2018-01)We consider identification and estimation of nonseparable sample selection models with censored selection rules. We employ a control function approach and discuss different objects of interest based on (1) local effects ... -
Nord Pool: A Power Market Without Market Power
(2000)Regulatory reform in the Nordic electricity-supply markets has resulted in a single integrated Nordic electricity market. This paper performs an econometric study of market power in the spot market of Nord Pool, the joint ... -
Norm-based feedback on household waste: Large-scale field experiments in two Swedish municipalities
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-05)We conduct separate randomized controlled trials of norm-based feedback nudges on household waste in two municipalities in western Sweden. Our main treatment presents recipients with accurate, household-specific feedback ... -
Not for you! The cost of having a foreign-sounding name in the Swedish private housing market
(2019-10)Both immigration and a troubling housing deficit have increased rapidly in Sweden over the past 20 years. Today, up to 33 percent of the people living in the largest Swedish cities are immigrants. In this Internet-based ... -
A Note on the Cost-Benefit Ratio in Self-Enforcing Agreements
(2009-04-03)Since the analysis of a self-enforcing agreement by Barrett (1994) it has been clear that the ratio between the slopes of the marginal cost and marginal benefit functions is conclusive for stability of self-enforcing ... -
Nudges and Monetary Incentives: A Green Partnership?
(University of Gothenburg, 2024-03)Shifting individual behaviour is an important tool for addressing environmental issues and there is a wide literature evaluating interventions to encourage pro-environmental behaviour. One important but under-researched ...