Browsing Working papers by Title
Now showing items 346-365 of 851
Habit Formation in the Environmental Quality: Dynamic Optimal Environmental Taxation
(2003)In this article we propose a model in which individuals experience habit formation in environmental quality. Further, a consumption good causes a negative external effect on the environment. The intertemporal utility ... -
Har Göteborgs industri någon framtid ?
(1998)Industrin delas in i skyddad, arbetsintensiv, kapitalintensiv, kunskapsintensiv och FoU- intensiv sektor. Utvecklingen av sektorerna på nationell nivå sedan 1970-talets början behandlas. Sektorernas andelar av sysselsättningen ... -
Harmful norms: Can social convention theory explain the persistence of female genital cutting in Africa!
(University of Gothenburg, 2021-11)This paper investigates the explanatory power of social convention theory for explaining the persistence of female genital cutting (FGC) in a broad sample of African countries. While influential in policy circles, the ... -
Has Sweden’s government budget policy been too discretionary? Evidence from a generalization of the tax smoothing hypothesis
(2003)Barro's (1979) tax smoothing hypothesis (TSH) assumes that the government is always subject to an "optimal" degree of discretion in budget policy, i.e., optimal in the sense that the welfare costs from taxation are ... -
Have Countries with Lax Environmental Regulations a Comparative Advantage in Polluting Industries?
(2009-12-04)We aim to study whether lax environmental regulations induce comparative advantages, causing the least-regulated countries to specialize in polluting industries. The study is based on Trefler and Zhu’s (2005) definition ... -
(2010-05-04)This paper discusses how a decision maker should deal with uncertainty, both in the sense of a well-known probability distribution of different outcomes and as a situation where also the probability distribution is unknown. ... -
Healthy by Association: The effect of social participation on self-rated physical and psychological well-being
(2017-02)This paper investigates the effect of active social participation on individual self-rated physical and psychological well-being. The theoretical model shows that individual's health investment increases if he invests time ... -
Heterogeneous preferences for marine amenities: A choice experiment applied to water quality
(2004)The marine environment provides many goods and services dependent upon the quality of coastal waters. In this paper, we represent water quality by three different attributes, fish stock level, bathing water quality, and ... -
HIV/AIDS, Adult Mortality and Fertility: Evidence from Malawi
(2008-02-05)The purpose of this paper is to analyse the impact of HIV/AIDS on fertility in Malawi. The future course of fertility will have an impact on both macroeconomic variables, such as GDP per capita, and various socioeconomic ... -
Home Sweet Home? Macroeconomic Conditions in Home Countries and the Well-Being of Migrants
(2014-04)This paper examines whether the subjective well-being of migrants is responsive to fl uc- tuations in macroeconomic conditions in their country of origin. Using the German Socio- Economic Panel for the years 1984 to 2009 ... -
Honestly, why are you driving a BMW?
(2004)This paper proposes that people derive utility not only from goods or their attributes as in standard models, but also from their self-image as influenced by their own perception of their preferences. In a representative ... -
Household decision making and the influence of spouses’ income, education, and communist party membership: A field experiment in rural China
(2009-04-20)We study household decision making in a high-stakes experiment with a random sample of households in rural China. Spouses have to choose between risky lotteries, first separately and then jointly. We find that spouses’ ... -
Household Decision Making in Rural China: Using Experiments to Estimate the Influences of Spouses
(2010-08)Many economic decisions are made jointly within households. This raises the question about spouses’ relative influence on joint decisions and the determinants of relative influence. Using a controlled experiment (on ... -
Household fuel choice in urban China: A random effect generalized probit analysis
(2014-05)Using seven rounds of household survey data that span more than a decade, this paper analyzes the determinants of household fuel choice in urban China. Unlike the existing studies, we use an empirical strategy that takes ... -
Household Labor Supply and Welfare Participation in Sweden
(1999)Using a sample of Swedish households, we estimate a household labor supply model assuming that preferences for consumption and leisure can be described by a direct translog utility function. The labor supply and welfare ... -
"Household specialisation and gender equality in transition. Paid and unpaid work of women and men in Soviet and post-Soviet Taganrog"
(2008-06-09)Using unique survey data from the Russian industrial city Taganrog in 1989 and 1998, we analyse changes in the gender division of labour among gainfully employed women and men, pre- and post-transition. In Soviet Taganrog, ... -
Household Tree Planting in Tigrai, Northern Ethiopia: Tree Species, Purposes, and Determinants
(2010-02-18)Trees have multiple purposes in rural Ethiopia, providing significant economic and ecological benefits. Planting trees supplies rural households with wood products for their own consumption, as well for sale, and decreases ... -
Households' income-generating activities and marginal returns to labor in rural Tanzania
(2012-11)This study uses detailed household-level data to investigate income and activity diversification among households in rural Tanzania. Unlike previous research on diversification, I explicitly evalutate marginal returns ... -
How are you? How's it going? What's up? What's happening? Nudging people to tell us how they really are
(2016-03)We investigate a novel approach to reduce measurement error in subjective well-being (SWB) data. Using a between-subject design, half of the subjects are asked to promise to answer the survey questions truthfully in an ... -
How Category Reporting Can Improve Fundraising
(2011-12)Many fundraisers report donations using categories such as more than £ 1000, more than £ 10,000 etc. One naturally wonders how we should categorise donations and whether category reporting can raise more funds than simple ...