Browsing Working papers by Title
Now showing items 68-87 of 851
Back To Bentham: Should We? Large‐Scale Comparison of Decision versus Experienced Utility for Income‐Leisure Preferences
(2015-02)Subjective well‐being (SWB) is increasingly used as a way to measure individual well‐being. Interpreted as "experienced utility", it has been compared to "decision utility" using specific experiments (Kahneman et al., 1997) ... -
The Baltic Exchange: Mutual Influences between Economists in the German and Swedish Language Areas
(2008-02-15)In the 19th and 20th centuries economists of the German and Swedish language areas strongly influenced each other and made significant contributions to the development and critique of neoclassical economics. In our paper, ... -
Because of you I did not give up - How peers affect perseverance
(2016-06)Various empirical papers have shown that peers affect productivity and behavior in the workplace. However, the mechanisms through which peers influence each other are still largely unknown. In this laboratory experiment ... -
The Behavioural Economics of Climate Change
(2008-05-19)This paper attempts to bring some central insights from behavioural economics into the economics of climate change. In particular, it discusses (i) implications of prospect theory, the equity premium puzzle and time ... -
Benefits of Organic Agriculture as a Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy in Developing Countries
(2009-01-20)Organic agriculture as an adaptation strategy to climate change and variability is a concrete and promising option for adaptation in rural communities. Organic agriculture has additional potential as a mitigation strategy. ... -
BEQUESTS, GIFTS, AND EDUCATION Swedish evidence on parents transfer behavior
(2002)We study the motives behind parents' transfers to their children, and the relationship between tangible transfers and educational investments. Another issue is the channels parents choose for tangible transfers. Do they ... -
Bio-economics of Conservation Agriculture and Soil Carbon Sequestration in Developing Countries
(2010-02-15)Improvement in soil carbon through conservation agriculture in developing countries may generate some private benefits to farmers as well as sequester carbon emissions, which is a positive externality to society. Leaving ... -
Biodiversity Conservation and Ecosystem Services Provision: A Tale of Confused Objectives, Mulitple Market Failures and Policy Challenges
(2012-10)Most research and funding in conservation has been oriented toward biodiversity per se. Until recently there has been little tangible effort in linking conservation to ecosystem service provision. Nevertheless, this trend ... -
Biodiversity Conservation under an Imperfect Seed System: the Role of Community Seed Banking Scheme
(2005)The study is an empirical investigation of agrobiodiversity conservation decisions of small farmers in the central highlands of Ethiopia. The primary objective is to measure the effectiveness of Community Seed Banking ... -
Bioeconomic Model of Community Incentives for Wildlife Management Before and After CAMPFIRE
(2009-12-03)This paper formulates a bioeconomic model to analyze community incentives for wildlife management under benefit-sharing programs like the Communal Areas Management Programme for Indigenous Resources (CAMPFIRE) in Zimbabwe. ... -
Bioeconomic model of spatial fishery management in developing countries
(2010-02)Fishers in developing countries do not have the resources to acquire advanced technologies to exploit offshore fish stocks. As a result, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea requires countries to sign ... -
Biogeography and Long-Run Economic
(2000)The transition from a hunter-gather economy to agricultural production, which made possible the endogenous technological progress that ultimately led to the industrial revolution, is one of the most important events in ... -
Biomass Fuel Consumption and Dung Use as Manure - Evidence from Rul Households in the Amrahara Region of Ethiopia
(2009-11-19)Soil nutrient depletion is a critical problem, contributing to low agricultural productivity and the limited domestic food supply in sub-Saharan Africa. Fertilizer use in Ethiopia is one of the lowest in sub-Saharan ... -
Birth Weight, Neonatal Intensive Care Units, and Infant Mortality: Evidence from Macrosomic Babies
(2017-09)Using a regression discontinuity design, this study estimates the effect of extra medical care on the short-run health of babies born at the high end of the birth weight distribution. Consistent with the notion that neonatal ... -
BNP-begreppets historia
(2006)Det första kända försöket att beräkna värdet av ett helt lands produktion eller inkomst brukar tillskrivas den engelske 1600-talsekonomen William Petty. Adam Smith diskuterade beräkningsprinciperna i Folkens välstånd (1776) ... -
Bread and Peace Voting in U.S. Presidential Elections
(2000)A simple "Bread and Peace" model shows that aggregate votes for President in postwar elections were determined entirely by weighted-average growth of real disposable personal income per capita during the incumbent ... -
Bridging the Great Divide in South Africa: Inequality and Punishment in the Provision of Public Goods
(2006)We explore the effect of income inequality and peer punishment on voluntary provision of public goods in an experimental context. Our sample draws from nine fishing communities in South-Africa where high levels of inequality ... -
Can Africa Reduce Poverty by Half by 2015? The Case for a Pro-Poor Growth Strategy
(2005)This study uses simulations to explore the possibility of halving the percentage of people living in extreme poverty in Africa by 2015. A pro-poor growth-scenario and a constant-inequality scenario are compared. It is shown ... -
Can Aid Generate Growth in Africa?
(1998)The paper discusses the impact of foreign aid on economic growth in Africa. After brief discussion about growth determinants it goes on to review the available evidence about the impact of aid on African economic growth. ...