dc.description.abstract | This report or “Catalogue of lessons" is an outcome of the FORMAS financed project Fishing for
solutions: from research to practical experiments for setting common goals for rural coastal
development in Sweden (FORMAS 2019-00202). The project was financed by the call From research to
practice – methods and tools, FR-2019/0004.
This “Catalogue of Lessons” discusses experiences, methods and procedures of participatory bottomup activities in coastal communities, where local fishing is of relevance. We hope that this
catalogue will inspire and engage actors and stakeholders at different policy levels, working with
fisheries and coastal development. The report is meant to be useful for a broad group of readers and can
either be read from cover to cover or you choose the parts that interest you most. The first chapter gives
an introduction to the project. The second chapter is a short review of research on communities, bottomup initiatives and fisheries management. The third chapter presents and discusses the activities and
results from the project. Chapter four summarizes the findings and discusses the implementation of the
activities, discrepancy between engagement and knowledge/resources and the question who is
responsible for regional coastal development. The chapter is closed with some brief thoughts on future
research. | sv |