Now showing items 11-16 of 16
Elevers värld möter biologiklassrummet. Hur vardagliga exempel och upplevelser i undervisningen kan påverka elevers biologiintresse.
Interest in biology education is declining among students in schools. One of the reasons for this is that students do not perceive the subject matter as relevant to them and their lives outside of school. Generating interest ...
Undervisningsglappet inom sexualitet och relationer. Elevers önskemål och undervisningens innehåll.
Students and teachers agree that education on sexuality and relationships is important.
However, there is a gap between what students want to learn about these topics and the
content currently covered in the curriculum. ...
Begreppsförståelse i biologiundervisning. Undervisningsmetoder för att främja begreppsförståelse i biologi för elever i högstadieskolan och gymnasieskolan.
Biology is one of the science subjects taught in Swedish schools, along with physics and chemistry. A significant part of biology education focuses on being able to communicate concepts and use them in new contexts. At the ...
Genetic confusion. Gymnasieelevers missuppfattningar om genetik och undervisningsstrategier för att motverka dem.
Genetics is often regarded as one of the most challenging and complex areas within biology that high school students encounter. Misunderstandings regarding genetic concepts are prevalent among students, negatively impacting ...
Flerspråkighet i gymnasieklassrummet. Utmaningar & språkanpassningar i biologiundervisningen,
This literature review examines how multilingualism affects upper secondary school students' learning and opportunities in biology. The study focuses on the challenges that multilingual students face when dealing with ...
Elevers inställning till klimatundervisning. Hur undervisningen kan främja motivation och intresse.
There is a drastic human-induced change in the Earth's climate, which is having, and will
continue to have, significant consequences for nature and human society. The Swedish upper
secondary school's biology education ...