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dc.contributor.authorAndersson, Hanna
dc.description.abstractAim: Japanese is a language which contains gender specific language, something that may be difficult to translate to languages such as English, that does not have any counterpart to the female or male speech. The aim of this thesis is to explore the stereotypical female language, as well as to compare previous research with my analysis of the translation of the subtitled and dubbed version of the movie Encanto. Theory: As a translator, the language you choose to apply plays a crucial role in creating or changing the image of a character. This applies especially to the translation of Japanese, a language with norms for women to speak and act in a certain manner. In this study, I will examine whether the translation of Encanto will reinforce or contradict the linguistic norms for women. Method: The background will provide information about what female speech is, how it was created, and who it was created for. The key points for the qualitative part involves determining who the characters in Encanto are, how they are portrayed, and how choice of language constructs the characters. The quantitative data is presented in the form of charts that will offer an overview of the most common points of the female language, as well as which characters are using it, and how frequently. Result: The result of my study revealed that female characters who adhered to gender stereotypes in the original version of the movie in English had their feminine or masculine attributes reinforced in the Japanese translation. As their personalities developed further, their diction changed to a speech-style more befitting their true
dc.relation.ispartofseriesSPL kandidatuppsats, japanska/SPL 2023-034sv
dc.subjectEngelska Japanese, Female Language, Gendered Language, Translationsv
dc.titleCHARACTERIZING FEMININITY: An English-Japanese translation analysis of female speech in
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Languages and Literatureseng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för språk och litteraturerswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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