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dc.contributor.authorEkhammar, Albin
dc.description.abstractThe disparity in voter turnout between the Swedish European Parliament election and the national election ranks among the most significant within the European Union. Prior research suggests that the individuals responsible for this discrepancy, referred to as 'EU-only abstainers,' are partly influenced by a lack of interest in EU affairs. One possible way to mitigate this discrepancy is through the use of 'Voting Advice Applications' (VAAs) specifically designed for the European Parliament elections. VAAs have the potential to mobilize people to the polls by providing swift and straightforward access to political information about the European elections. This study aims to analyze the impact of VAA-usage among EU-only abstainers with low interest in EU politics during the Swedish European Parliament election in 2019. The results support earlier research findings regarding political interest in the EU and turnout, as well as the mobilizing hypothesis of
dc.subjectValdeltagande, Europaparlamentsval, Sverige, Politiskt intresse, EU, Valkompasser, Mobiliserande, Den rationella väljarensv
dc.titleATT FÅ DE OINTRESSERADE ATT RÖSTA En kvantitativ analys av valkompassers påverkan på sambandet mellan politiskt intresse för EU och valdeltagande i Europaparlamentsvalsv
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionenswe
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Political Scienceeng
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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