Now showing items 1-10 of 51
The Political Background of Agency Heads in Sweden: Trends and Explanations, 1960-2010
Previous research has described both theoretically and empirically, the negative consequences of having a politicized civil service, recruited on political instead of professional merits. However, we know fairly little ...
Gender and Emotions in Family Care – Understanding masculinity and gender equality in Sweden
This thesis addresses care responsibilities in families as an arena for gender reproduction and change, primarily in the Swedish context, which includes a long history of gender equality policies, and broad public support ...
Strategists in the intersection of logics. A study of job advertisements in the Swedish municipal administration
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2015-04)
This report is a study of how public administrators responsible for horizontal perspectives in Swedish local government are handling their role as bureaucrats and political promoters. Gender equality, public health, human ...
Verktyg för lärande: Informationssökning och informationsanvändning i kommunal vuxenutbildning
In education today, self-directed learning is promoted as an ideal as opposed to teacher-led instruction. This approach is reflected in public inquiries, proposals, syllabi and grading criteria, as well as in schoolwork ...
Swedish Opinion on Nuclear Power 1986–2008
(SOM-institutet, 2009)
Swedish Nuclear Power Policy
(SOM-institutet, 2008)
Depression and distress in Swedish fathers in the postnatal period - prevalence, correlates, identification, and support
The general aim of this thesis was to examine how fathers, and to some extent mothers, with postnatal depression and distress were identified and supported by nurses in Swedish child health care (CHC), and to learn more ...
Svenska för invandrare – brygga eller gräns?
This thesis is intended to increase the understanding of the encounter between a group of “im-migrants with low education” and the Swedish educational system in the form of SFI, Swedish Language Courses for Immigrants. The ...
Swedish Opinion on the Membership in the EU 1994–2006
(SOM-institutet, 2007)
Swedish Public Opinion on Nuclear Power
(SOM-institutet, 2006)