Now showing items 1-10 of 461
Alternative Developments in the Andean Region 2018-2028
(Göteborgs Universitet, 2008-06)
Senior Göteborg
(SOM-institutet, 2006)
Från utvandringsland till invandringsland. En analys av migrationsströmmar till och från Chile.
(School of Public Administration/Förvaltningshögskolan, 2009)
Bureaucracy, Politics and Corruption
Most comparative studies on corruption are geared towards the analysis of factors dealing with the selection and the incentives of actors taking policy decisions in a state. With few exceptions, such as Rauch & Evans (2000), ...
Implications of the ‘Bread and Peace’ Model for the 2008 US Presidential Election
(CEFOS, 2008)
Presidential election outcomes are well explained by just two objectively measured fundamental determinants: (1) weighted-average growth of per capita real personal disposable income over the term, and (2) cumulative US ...
Västsvenska trender 1998–2008
(SOM-institutet, 2009)
Holmbergs kommunindex och kommunpolitiskt nöjdhetsindex
(SOM-institutet, 2008)
Parties, Congress, and the Stock Market
Recent literature in both finance and political science has identified a series of
systematic patterns in the way stock market responds to significant political events.
The lack of a common theoretical core as well as ...
Göteborgarnas uppfattningar om sitt boende
(SOM-institutet, 2008)