Now showing items 1-10 of 16
Which Dictators Produce Quality of Government?
This study deals with the effects of authoritarian regimes on state capacity or the
quality of government (QoG): do some types of dictatorship (military, monarchy,
single-party or personalist) perform better than others? ...
Why Do Some Regions in Europe Have Higher Quality of Government?
While most of the quantitative literature on quality of government involving European
countries has focused on national differences, sub-national variation has been
neglected, mainly due to the lack of data. This paper ...
The Wealth of Regions: Government Quality and Entrepreneurship in Europe
This paper argues that government quality – operationalized as the ability of government to treat all their citizens in an impartial way – levels the ‘playing field’ for economic agents with and without connections to ...
Why Support International redistribution? Corruption and Public Support for Aid in the Eurozone
What factors explain public support for international redistribution? While the European Union has sent billions of taxpayers’ money to over indebted euro countries in an attempt to avoid an economic collapse, these ...
Quality of Government in EU Regions: Spatial and Temporal Patterns
A wave of recent cross-national research has pointed to the positive consequences for countries with high levels of ‘quality of government’ (QoG), broadly defined, such as corruption, impartiality, and quality of public ...
Careers, Connections and Corruption Risks in Europe
Why do officials in some countries favor entrenched contractors while others assign public con-tracts more impartially? According to the research, such variation responds to differences in political institutions, economic ...
Mapping Quality of Government in the European Union: A Study of National and Sub-National Variation
This study maps-out the variation in quality of government (‘QoG’ - e.g. low levels or
corruption, protection of the rule of law, government effectiveness and accountability)
for the national and regional level in the ...
Social Trust, Quality of Government and Ethnic Diversity: An Empirical Analysis of 206 Regions of Europe
What factors lead to greater levels of generalized trust in society? The research field has established four channels through which it is commonly argued trust is affected at the macro level—economic inequality, civic ...
Party System, Electoral Systems and Constraints on Corruption
This article explores the relationship between the party system, electoral formula and
corruption. Previous research has focused on the various incentives for political actors
to monitor, or engage in corruption based ...