Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Does Democracy Produce Quality of Government?
This paper analyzes the effects of political regimes over state capacity or the
quality of government (QoG): do democratic states perform better than authoritarian
ones? Previous studies on this puzzle point to a nonlinear ...
The Impact of Socio-Political Integration and Press Freedom on Corruption in Developing Countries
Do domestic institutions filter the effects of international openness on levels of government corruption? The analyses in this study demonstrate a more nuanced understanding of a previously understood phenomenon — that ...
Power Sharing, Ethnolinguistic Fractionalization and Government Quality
Do power sharing institutions such as federalism and proportional representation (P.R.) mitigate the potentially negative effects of ethno-linguistic fractionalization on quality of government? Numerous empirical studies ...
Exploring the Impact of Foreign Aid on Corruption: Has the 'Anti-Corruption' Aid been Effective?
Though many studies have referred to an ‘anti-corruption movement’ beginning in the
1990’s by major international organizations, none has empirically tested its
effectiveness on corruption. The data show that from 1997 ...
Correlates of Corruption in India: Analysis and Evidence from the States
Several leading indicators of corruption point to a serious problem in India on whole. Yet what explains the substantial variance of corruption levels perceived and experienced by citizens across Indian states? Surprisingly ...