Paradigmskiftet i svensk migrationspolitik: En studie kring säkerhetiseringsförsöket av migration i samband med det svenska riksdagsvalet 2022
The purpose of this study is to analyze the securitization move on migration around the
general election in Sweden during the year of 2022. The material which have been chosen to
analyze consists of a political debate held by Aftonbladet, where the statement held by
Jimmie Åkesson, the party leader of the Swedish democrats is the prime focus, as well as
Tidöavtalet, where the segment regarding migration and segregation is the focal point. The
research methodology chosen is a critical discourse analysis, which is used to analyze the
selected material by looking at the linguistic aspects of the speech act and text in the material.
Furthermore, the theoretical framework in question, comprised of securitization theory in
accordance with the Copenhagen school is deemed highly compatible with the study’s
analytical framework in the sense that the most central aspect of it consists of looking at
security through speech acts. By applying the analytical and theoretical framework on the
chosen material it allows for a deeper understanding of in which ways actors might try to
construct an issue as a security issue. The results of the study observe that the state and nation
are the main entities that are perceived to be under threat by migration, through it´s negative
effects on the economy, welfare as well as the Swedish homogenous culture and identity. The
construction of the threat is made through a parallel being drawn between the unsatisfactory
economic state of the country and the cost of migration in addition to migrants being
portrayed as work-shy, a strain on society, criminals and incompatible with Sweden in virtue
of it being a welfare state where everyone has to contribute.
Student essay