Browsing Magisteruppsatser Företagsekonomiska institutionen by Title
Now showing items 756-775 of 851
Talent management and the cultural influences on Human Resource Management Processes. A comparison on HRM practices between companies from Sweden and Romania
(2012-07-04)The purpose of the present paper is to identify if there are any differences or similarities in talent management practices in companies from Sweden and Romania. Since previous researches argue that organizational and ... -
Target Costing - Ett måste i dagens produktutveckling? En studie på Victor Hasselblad AB
(2004)Dagens företag är verksamma i en värld som präglas av ständiga och snabba förändringar och där konkurrensen alltmer hårdnar. Företagen måste vara flexibla, lyssna på vad kunderna efterfrågar och vara medvetna om att ett ... -
Tänk längre -En kvalitativ studie om långsiktigt fastighetsägande
(2012-06-15)Bakgrund och problem: Dagens samhälle går mot ett mer kortsiktigt tänkande där snabba pengar blir viktigare, vilket även får effekter på fastighetsbranschen. Att kortsiktiga ägare inte känner långsiktigt engagemang och ... -
Tänkbara effekter av ett närmare samarbete mellan intern och extern revisor
(2004)Bakgrund och problem: Under de senaste åren har många företagsskandaler både i Sverige och utomlands uppdagats, vilka har bidragit till ett ökat fokus på revisorernas arbete. I flera av dessa fall har en av anledningarna ... -
The media coverage and its influence onthe share price in an Initial Public Offering
(2006)The role of mass media has during the past decades become more and more influential and with an increasing range of media channels the possibility to supply the population with news is easier than ever. Over the years media ... -
The Net Utility Model –A Goldmine of the net companies? A Stated Preference Study Regarding the net companies Responds and Attitude after Applying the Net Utility Model
(2004)The Swedish electricity market was deregulated in 1996 and as a consequence of this the net companies are acting on a natural monopoly market. The Net Utility Model was introduced to force the net companies to charge fair ... -
The Real Option Approach applied on Foreign Direct Investment Scenarios.
(2006)The Real Option Approach (ROA) has been put forth as the solution to the problem of valuing manager flexibility and project risk within the framework of capital budgeting. In this thesis the ROA is applied on one of the ... -
The road to verifiability - A case study of Volvo Cars’ Corporate Citizenship reports
(2005)Background and research issue: The concept of Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, has evolved since the 1950’s and is a debated subject. CSR reporting is voluntary for companies but is becoming increasingly common. ... -
The Role of the Management Accountant in the Swedish Public Sector An Empirical Study
(2005)The management accountant has been a part of European corporations since the nineteen seventies when they started to divisionalise, but the profession has been an important part in American corporations for much longer. ... -
The Trade-off between inventory level and satisfaction of a volatile demand -A study of three companies in the Swedish fashion retail industry
(2013-01-30)Background and problem: The fashion industry is characterised by short product lifecycles, where demand is difficult, or almost impossible to forecast. This highlights the importance of having a strategy that can manage ... -
The use of target costing in Swedish manufacuring firms
(2003)The purpose of this paper was to investigate the extent to which Swedish manufacturing companies use target costing. Through random sampling, 250 companies were selected and contacted by telephone, at which point they were ... -
The Venture Capital firms' control rights impact on the selection of exit outcome
(2012-11-13)This thesis empirically considers Venture Capital (VC) firms’ preferences of control rights and their relationship with preferences to selection of exit outcomes. The thesis is based on Cumming (2008) and has quantitative ... -
”They can name us what they want” – A case study from an organizational identity perspective of an integration process in a consultancy company
(2012-07-04)In 2010, two large Nordic companies operating within the IT sector merged and decided to create a brand-new company together. Our study takes place during the spring of 2012, during which time the new company – which in ... -
Tilläggsupplysningar i onoterade aktiebolag - kravens efterlevnad och relevans
(2005)Bakgrund och problem: Dagens regelverk för onoterade bolag innebär en situation där ett svårtillämpat regelverk ger finansiell information av ett tveksamt värde. De tilläggsupplysningar som kompletterar balans- och ... -
Tolkning och tillämpning av god redovisningssed - En studie av fyra onoterade medelstora företag
(2005)Bakgrund och problem: Anpassningen av de allmänna råden till RR:s rekommendationer som Bokföringsnämnden har gjort, har inte givit något bra resultat för onoterade små och medelstora företag. Anledningen är att regelverket ...