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Vän eller Fiende? En Studie om Kommunalt Miljöansvarigas Perspektiv kring Invasiva Främmande Växtarter
(2024-10-08)Invasive alien plant species have historically caused major damage to ecosystems and are considered to be amongst the greatest threats to biodiversity globally. The lurking threat of harm to well functioning ecosystems ... -
Kan fotboll rädda unga personer från kriminella gäng? En kvalitativ studie gällande fotbollstränares upplevelser av att använda fotboll som brottspreventiv åtgärd i utsatta områden.
(2024-10-08)This paper aims to increase the knowledge about the relationship between football and social sustainability by investigating football as means of crime prevention. In recent times, Sweden has faced a situation where there ... -
Defending Liberty: Constructing Climate Denialism through Collective Identity
(2024-10-08)In the global climate transition, social movements have emerged as new actors who actively oppose this development. The purpose of this study is to examine one such movement, Bränsleupproret, a Swedish reactionary movement ... -
MSBs respons på cyberhot: En empirisk undersökning av MSB:s framställning av ökad cyberhotnivå efter invasionen i Ukraina.
(2024-10-08)This thesis aims to study how cybersecurity is managed and framed in the context of the growing threat landscape as a result of the Ukraine Invasion. The war in Ukraine is one of the first conflicts involving extensive ... -
Inkluderande ägarskap i varierande demokratiska kontexter: En jämförande fallstudie av svenskt utvecklingssamarbete med Rwanda och Tanzania
(2024-10-08)This thesis investigates how recipient countries' domestic type of democracy affects its inclusive ownership in international development cooperation. This is done by examining Swedish development cooperation with Rwanda ... -
The Significance of the Responses to Gender-Based Violence (The Case of Jordan)
(2024-10-08)The aim of this study is to increase the understanding of the significance of the various responses women receive from NGOs and different parts of the Jordanian society when sharing their experiences of Gender-Based ... -
A nexus analysis of textual material about the volunteer experience at the ministry of storytelling
(2024-10-08)This project analyses the Volunteer Handbook from The Ministry of Storytelling by isolating three separate social actions and the many different factors that contribute to the social actions. The topic of this paper was ... -
LANDALA Stadsdel i skuggan av det förgångna
(2024-10-08)In the post-war era many European countries were recovering from the ravages of the bombings of the second world war destroying whole countries. Sweden being neutral was spared the destruction of war but instead we ... -
(2024-10-08)Ireland has a long history of colonisation under England’s rule and when the first invaders came to Ireland the Irish had little or no determined identity of their own. In Ghost Light the playwright John Milton Synge is ... -
Translating Path-based Logics to Modal mu-Calculus
(2024-10-07)The modal μ-calculus Lμ is an expressive temporal logic defined on full transition systems. Lμ merely has immediate neighbour modalities and no direct way to specify properties on a path-by-path basis, so it is remarkable ... -
Improvisational Disentanglement - Co-Designing with and for Children with Functional Diversity
(2024-05)This project proposes a design-based exploration of children with functional diversity and their perspectives on the worlds around them in the contexts of social, environmental, ethical, and technological issues, drawing ... -
Dwelling in the dark - On active and hopeful conversations with the crisis of imagination through live action role play
(2024-05)Dwelling In The Dark is a design practice-based artistic research exploration of the transformative potential of live action role play (larp). Through an ethnographic inspired methodology the work is embedded in discourses ... -
Bör det finnas fler permanenta medlemmar i FN:s säkerhetsråd? En normativ studie av givna argument för och emot en expansion av permanent medlemskap med hjälp av argumentationsanalys
(2024-10-07)Den här uppsatsen ämnar bidra till att svara på frågan om det permanenta medlemskapet i FN:s säkerhetsråd bör öka. Frågeställningen lyder: Vilka argument för eller emot ett utvidgande av det permanenta medlemskapet som ... -
RÄTTVIS OCH GENOMFÖRBAR KOMPENSATION: En normativ studie om kompensatorisk rättvisa vid klimatinducerad territoriell förlust
(2024-10-07)Inom det normativa forskningsfältet har en debatt rörande kompensatorisk rättvisa uppstått i ljuset av att vissa suveräna territorium riskerar att gå förlorade till följd av klimatförändringarnas effekter. Vilken sorts ... -
CONSIDERING TWO THEORIES EXPLAINING CORRUPTION Collective Action And Principal-Agent Recapitulated Through Experimental Research in Sweden
(2024-10-07)Considering adebateontheoretical explanations of corruption, I test two theories outside commonly studied systematically corrupt countries. The study highlights a problem with the current understanding of theories explaining ... -
Public-Private Collaboration in Swedish Crisis Preparedness: A case study on the local level
(2024-10-07)In the midst of Sweden rebuilding its total defence, an increasing amount of vital societal services are outsourced to the private sector. Despite the private sector’s growing influence in local Swedish crisis preparedness ... -
Canciones y motivación en el aula de ELE
(2024-10-07)The research study aims to describe whether songs, as authentic material, are a source of motivation for students under the learning process in the Spanish as Second Language (SSL) classroom. We also set out to investigate ... -
CRITICAL RAW MATERIALS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION Swedish Stakeholders’ and Sámi Interests in the European Commission’s Consultation on a Critical Raw Materials Acts
(2024-10-07)This thesis examines the interests of Swedish stakeholders in the context of the European Commission’s proposed Critical Raw Materials (CRM) Act, with a particular focus on how Sámi interests are considered by these ... -
Fabrication and Characterization of Au/TiO2 Catalysts for Low Temperature CO Oxidation
(2024-10-07)CO oxidation is the reaction between carbon monoxide and oxygen forming carbon dioxide, as described by 2CO + O2 → 2CO2. Gold (Au) being chemically highly inert is not expected to be a good catalyst but exhibits an ... -
SPIRITUALITET OCH INTUITIVA VIBES Tjejers strävan efter respektabilitet i ett digitalt rum
(2024-10-07)On social media, girls create digital spaces where a distinctive spiritual culture emerges. This spiritual culture is therapeutic in nature, consisting of therapeutic compositions and happiness-generating templates that ...