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Det meningsfulla arbetet – En kvalitativ studie om personaladministrativt utbildade unga vuxna och deras attityder till meningsfullhet i arbetet
(2024-11-08)Denna kvalitativa studie undersöker vad unga vuxna med akademisk bakgrund inom personaladministration finner meningsfullt i arbetet och hur deras attityder speglas mellan altruistiska och individualistiska värderingar. ... -
UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights utveckling som norm: En analys av Sveriges regering, Volvo och Göteborgs Stad
(2024-11-07)Since the 1990s, when the number of transnational companies increased, it has created challenges regarding the responsibility of human rights. As a response to these challenges the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) ... -
Breaking the barriers and enhancing the enablers: A qualitative study on the state of adolescent girls’ education and the positive influence of NGO initiatives in Karnataka, India
(2024-11-07)India, with a population of approximately 1.429 billion people and 65% under the age of 35, hosts one of the largest education systems in the world. This demographic presents both opportunities and challenges, such as ... -
Dödligt våld mot äldre: En kvalitativ intervjustudie om det dödliga våldet mot äldre personer i nära relation
(2024-11-07)One of the most serious crimes against human rights is to deprive a person's right to life. In Sweden, 16 people are killed annually by a person they have or have had a relationship with, of which the majority of victims ... -
THE FALSE PROMISE OF CORE FUNDING A study of the impact of donor requirements on the execution of foreign aid by civil society organisations
(2024-11-07)This thesis investigates the impact of donor requirements on execution outcomes within civil society organisations (CSOs) in the context of international development cooperation. Through a qualitative structured focused ... -
Feedback 2.0 - från AI till penna: En undersökning av AI-genererad formativ bedömning av debattartiklar
(2024)This study explores how AI-generated feedback affects high school students’ writing. Twenty-four students got feedback on their debate articles from ChatGPT 3.5 and then revised their texts based on this feedback. The ... -
Att finna sig själv i det främmande – När ungas digitala identitetsskapande möter främmandegörande läsning
(2024)This research overview focuses on the relation between defamiliarizing literature and identity development in addition to the dynamics of identity development in an online context. The study has been conducted through ... -
Migration of Seatrout (Salmo trutta); effects of increasing temperatures and water flow
(2024-11-05)This study investigates the impact of rising temperatures and water flow on the downstream migration of sea trout (Salmo trutta) smolts in Haga å, a small stream in southwestern Sweden. The research aimed to assess how ... -
Om stenar kunde spela. Framställningen av musiker och ljudlandskap på Trajanuskolonnen
(2024-11-04)This thesis aims to explore the representations of musicians and soundscapes on the column of Trajan in Rome. While many different parts of the column have been explored thoroughly, the musicians are not such a part. As ... -
“Mer ledare och mindre chef” Chefers uppfattningar om corona krisens och digitaliseringens påverkan på deras sätt att leda och vara ledare på
(2024-11-04)Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen kring corona-krisens och digitaliseringens påverkan på chefernas sätt att leda och vara ledare på. Det gör vi genom att ställa frågor till chefer i flera kommuner för att ... -
Den kognitiva utmaningen med digitaliserad undervisning
(2022)The technological advancement of society has an increasing impact on the education system. According to a report by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), almost every student today has access ... -
A Like-Minded Trade-Security Dilemma - A Case Study of the Anti-Coercion Instrument
(2024-10-31)The weaponisation of interdependence marked by the proliferation of coercion is a massive problem for open trading economies, like the EU. This significant scale evolved this initial economic problem into an international ... -
(2024-10-31)This study aimed to evaluate the performance of Indian open-ended equity mutual funds. The primary purpose of this research was to draw parallels between the three years before COVID-19 and the subsequent three years, which ... -
Queering as Artistic Method
(2024) -
Exploring how systemic design can contribute to tackling the challenge of talent attraction
(2024)This project explores how systemic design can tackle the challenge of talent attraction within the City of Gothenburg. By employing a qualitative methodology that integrates ethnographic approaches with systemic design ... -
TAGO - Create Your Play
(2024)TAGO explores designing a play object that enhances bodily TAGO explores designing a play object that enhances bodily movements, symbolic play, and sensory exploration in indoor play for preschool children aged 3 to 6. ... -
Conversations with friends
(2024)"Conversations with Friends: A Guide to Communicating with Furry Friends." An illustrative guidebook for children that aims to incorporate animal perspectives to foster empathy and respect for animals. It features vibrant ... -
A felted fabulation of vǫlur
(2024)In a composition of sculptures and smaller artifacts, this project seeks to explore the speculative growth of the Nordic Sorceress, The Fyrkat Vǫlva, with the organic aesthetics and water-based methods of the technique, ... -
(2024)Drawing on the writings of Gilles Deleuze and Sara Ahmed, Unfoldings explores the significance of folds, traces, and materiality. Through studio practice and theoretical inquiry, the materiality of textiles serves as a ... -
Staging an Experience
(2024)Staging an Experience explores the possibilities of staging as a tool to engage the spectator, by activating the spectator. Staging is here considered as a wider concept for setting up for an experience and allowing for ...