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Dynamiken hos guldstavar i optiska fällor
(2025-01-20)Gold nanorods, with their unique plasmonic properties, have a wide range of applications in nanotechnology. When trapped in an optical tweezer, they can function as nanomotors, converting energy into motion at the ... -
Att genom förundran synliggöra Folkets Hus Mustadfors entré
(2024-10)This project aimed to make the entrance to Folkets hus Mustadfors visible through wonder. The Folkets hus Mustadfors (FHM) the people’s house, is a building for the local community of the small-town Dals Långed, before ... -
Assessing the relationship between Urban Morphology and Mean Radiant Temperature - A study over 5 cities in Sweden
(2025-01-17)Thermal comfort has become an increasingly important topic in urban areas due to climate change and rapid urbanization. The most critical meteorological variable influencing experienced heat and thermal comfort during ... -
Starka känslor där det redan finns starka känslor – Psykologperspektiv på menscykelpåverkan vid emotionellt instabilt personlighetssyndrom
(2025-01-17)Psykologer som behandlar patienter med emotionellt instabilt personlighetssyndrom (EIPS) ställs inför flera utmaningar i sitt arbete, en av dessa är hur deras patienter påverkas av sin menscykel. Syftet med studien var att ... -
Hälsolitteracitet och cystisk fibros – en enkätstudie. En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan hälsolitteracitet, självförmåga och livstillfredsställelse vid kronisk sjukdom.
(2025-01-15)Att leva med cystisk fibros innebär ofta krävande behandlings- och egenvårdsrutiner för att minska risken för försämring och för att förbättra sin livskvalitet. Hälsolitteracitet antas vara en viktig förutsättning för att ... -
“You have to be healthy to cope with being sick” A qualitative interview study on the power relation between the Swedish healthcare system and endometriosis patients
(2025-01-14)Endometriosis is an inflammatory disease where cells similar to the uterine lining develop outside the uterus. It is estimated that every tenth person with a uterus has endometriosis. However, it is an unprioritised, ... -
(2025-01-14)The red seaweed Palmaria palmata could be a sustainable protein source with a low environmental footprint to feed a growing global population. However, its protein content should ideally be optimised to be on par with ... -
Bo Blomqvists skogsträdgård: en fallstudie om en av Sveriges äldsta skogsträdgårdar
(2025-01-14)The interest in agroforestry has in recent years increased significantly in Sweden, specifically the interest for smaller systems like forest gardens. There are only a few older forest gardens in Sweden, one of the oldest ... -
Modus - The Sacred Geometry
(2020-05)This project is a study in geometry and form that results in the creation of a work of Art. “Modus” form consists of geometric elements combined in a 3-dimensional form that can be installed in different compositions to ... -
Can I (Please) Have It Back
(2024-05)In "Can I (please) have it back?" I am looking at how violence is stored in the flesh. I am focusing on the journey of healing through three sculptures by taking on the roles both as violator and victim. I look at the ... -
National Early Warning Score2 (NEWS2) - Möjligheter och utmaningar. En enkätundersökning ur sjuksköterskors perspektiv.
(2024-12-27)Bakgrund: I januari 2019 infördes National Early Warning Score 2 (NEWS2) på Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset. NEWS2 är ett mätinstrument för bedömning av vitala parametrar för att tidigt upptäcka svikt av vitala funktioner ... -
"Jag kan vara sist idag!" Aktionsforskningsstudie om konflikthantering genom medling i förskola
(2024-12-20)Resultatet visar att medling kan förstås som en aspekt av förskolans undervisningsuppdrag. I uppsatsen beskrivs sex olika medlingsstrategier: 1) Vara nära innan det händer: avvakta eller agera? 2) Fråga och lyssna: barns ... -
THE SILOED UMBRELLA: An intersectional reading of climate policy in Malmö, Sweden.
(2024-12-18)This thesis presents a critical policy analysis of the inclusion/exclusion of social factors and questions of equity in climate policy in Malmö municipality by using intersectional theory. The objective of the paper is to ... -
Navigating the Future: A Comprehensive Literature Review on Solid Waste Management in Africa, with a Comparative Analysis of Nigeria, Kenya and Rwanda
(2024-12-18)Solid waste management (SWM) is a very crucial issue in Africa, aggravated by rise in population, rapid urbanization, change in consumer behavior and limited infrastructure. Though some African countries are experiencing ... -
Samvetsfrihet - En mänsklig rättighet eller abortmotstånd? - En kvalitativ innehållsanalys om porträtteringen av samvetsfrihet i relation till barnmorskeyrket i svensk media
(2024-12-17)In the UN Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18 highlights the right to freedom of conscience. Despite conscience being a human right, there are differing opinions on its implementation within the professional role of ... -
Unga kvinnors röster i säkerhetspolitiken: En undersökning av åsikter gentemot upprustningen i EU och Sveriges Nato-medlemskap
(2024-12-17)This study focuses on a frequently overlooked group within security politics: young women, and how those studying in the Bachelor's program in Global Studies at the University of Gothenburg have been affected by ongoing ... -
Local ownership within NGOs & CSOs: A qualitative single-case study of Cambodia
(2024-12-17)This qualitative single-case study investigates the understanding and implementation of local ownership within NGOs and CSOs in Cambodia. Using semi-structured interviews with six representatives from different organizations ... -
“När du hör ADHD tänker du inte på en flicka, du tänker på en pojke.” - Kitty Lassinantti (2014, s.12) Könade erfarenheter av ADHD: Strukturellt våld, normativ femininitet och rätten till hälsa i svensk hälso- och sjukvård.
(2024-12-17)The purpose of this thesis is to contribute to the growing literature and research regarding ADHD in girls and women. The study aims to emphasize the importance of studying this subject through a perspective that takes ... -
Ögats poetik. Om Gunnar Ekelöfs "sent på jorden" och Erik Lindegrens "mannen utan väg"
(2024-12-17)How does a motif gain and produce significance in a work of poetry? This question provides the setting for the following essay, which examines the eye and its surrounding motifs in two Swedish modernist classics: ...