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Hur påverkas ett företags legitimitet av användning av AI? En kvalitativ forskningsstudie om hur ett företags legitimitet påverkas av användning av AI som verktyg
(2025-02-12)As Artificial Intelligence (AI) becomes an increasingly integrated part of both society and business organizations, new questions arise regarding how the use of AI impacts a company's legitimacy. It also raises questions ... -
Organisatoriskt engagemang och dess roll för lojalitet. En fallstudie om hur organisatoriskt engagemang uttrycks samt påverkar medarbetares lojalitet i ett SaaS-företag
(2025-02-12)Syftet med denna studie är att fördjupa förståelsen av organisatoriskt engagemang och dess påverkan på medarbetares lojalitet inom ett mindre SaaS-företag. Empirisk data har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer ... -
En diskursiv vändpunkt? – Distansledarskapets representation före och efter pandemin
(2025-02-12)With the rise of digitalization and the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, an increasing number of organizations have shifted from traditional work to more flexible and virtual work environments. This change has placed new ... -
GEMENSAMMA RÖTTER, GEMENSAM FRAMTID? En studie av europeisk identitet i Tjeckien och Slovakien.
(2025-02-12)Since the dissolution of Czechoslovakia the Czech and Slovak republics have parted ways and developed into different countries. Previous research has identified several factors that play an important role for individuals ... -
MIGRATION OCH SÄKERHETISERING En WPR-analys om hur Kommissionen och Rådet skiljer sig i sin säkerhetisering av migrationskrisen 2015
(2025-02-12)The aim of this study is to investigate how the European Commission and the Council of the European Union differ in their securitization of the migration crisis in 2015. Previous research shows that both the Commission ... -
THE RETURN DIRECTIVE AND EUROPEANISATION The complex dynamic between EU policy and national legislation in Sweden and Finland
(2025-02-12)The balance between EU influence and national sovereignty is complex, and EU directives are rarely transposed completely without conflict. This study aims to understand the influence EU policy has, and to what extent a ... -
CARBON TAXATION AND ECONOMIC GROWTH: A LONG-RUN ANALYSIS OF SWEDEN, FINLAND, AND DENMARK (1970– 2023) An Econometric Analysis of Carbon Pricing Policies and Their Implications for Sustainable Development
(2025-02-12)This study investigates the long-term effects of carbon taxation on GDP growth in Sweden, Finland, and Denmark over the period 1970–2023. Employing time-series econometric models, the analysis examines both immediate and ... -
FORMANDET AV EUROPEISK IDENTITET? En diskursanalys av svenska läroböcker i samhällskunskap
(2025-02-12)This article explores how european identity is portrayed and explained in social science textbooks written for high school education. As well as exploring which linguistic strategies that are used in those explanations. ... -
STRATEGIC AUTONOMY IN EUROPE Comparing the National Positions of Sweden and Germany
(2025-02-12)This thesis explores the national positions of Sweden and Germany on greater European strategic autonomy and compares their respective perspectives. While much of the academic literature has focused on the EU at an ... -
Sång som hjälpmedel att utveckla interpretation på cello
(2025-02-12)Genom metoden videoinspelning och processdagbok har jag undersökt mitt cellospel utifrån sången som hjälpmedel. Arbetet har fokuserat kring andning, klang, frasering och karaktär och diskuterar erfarenheter från sånglektioner ... -
Based on a true story. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av välgörenhetskampanjer från Svenska Röda Korset
(2025-02-11)Executive summary The current state of the world, characterized by conflicts, war and human suffering, implies a severe need for charity- and nonprofit organizations and their work. They play a vital role in helping ... -
PRIVATLIV PÅ VILLOVÄGAR. En kvalitativ studie om digital natives och digital immigrants attityd till personifierad reklam ur ett integritetsperspektiv
(2025-02-11)Executive summary Social media is, today, a place where millions of users connect and share their lives and thoughts with others. With this, social media has become an important space for commercial companies to market ... -
JAG ÄR BARA EN TJEJ. En multimodal kritisk diskursanalys av hur TikTok-trenden ”I’m just a girl” framställer kvinnor
(2025-02-11)Executive summary In 1995, the rock band No Doubt released the hit song Just a Girl, in which the lead singer Gwen Stefani poked fun at the reality of being a woman. With its socially critical lyrics reflecting women's ... -
Doften av maskulinitet och femininitet: Könsstereotyper i parfymens värld. En semiotisk analys av genusrepresentationer i lyxparfymreklam
(2025-02-11)Executive summary The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how gender roles are presented in several luxury perfume advertisements through the use of symbols and signs. The study aims to uncover how these advertisements ... -
KVINNOR I ACTION: EN KAMP MOT STEREOTYPEN. Framställning av kvinnor i actionfilmer och dess förändring över tid
(2025-02-11)Executive summary This study will explore the representation and portrayal of female protagonists' in action movies between 1990 and 2023. Movies play a significant role in reflecting and contributing to norms that shape ... -
AVENGERS ASSEMBLE. En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av mediefranchisen Marvels historiska användning av den transmediala berättarformen inom deras narrativa universum MCU.
(2025-02-11)Executive summary The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to examine Marvel’s use of transmedia storytelling as a narrative tool within its cinematic universe, the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). The thesis aims ... -
En vinterresa
(2025-02-11)The thesis is an attempt to describe the artistic process behind the performance En Vinterresa, a dramatic monologue conceived around Franz Schubert s song-cycle Winterreise. One of the artistic aims with the project ... -
Religionsundervisning i ett pluralistiskt samhälle- lärares arbetsmetodik i ett ämne präglat av starka åsikter
(2025-02-11)Sverige beskrivs som ett av världens mest sekulariserade länder, vilket gör att en del invånare i landet har en begränsad uppfattning om religioner ur ett annat perspektiv än den bild de får via media och den samhälleliga ... -
DET JÄMSTÄLLDA OLYMPISKA SPELET – JÄMSTÄLLT I MEDIERNA? Kvinnliga atleters utrymme i svensk press under OS 2024
(2025-02-11)Executive summary The purpose of this essay is to examine the media coverage given to female athletes during the 2024 Olympics in Paris. Throughout history women have been discriminated against in this world of sports, ... -
FRAMING THE PRESIDENCY: PERSPECTIVE ACROSS BORDERS. En kvantitativ studie om inramningsstrategier i svenska respektive kanadensiska nyhetsmedier när det kommer till det amerikanska presidentvalet 2024
(2025-02-11)Executive summary As the U.S. presidential election approaches, the world's attention turns to the United States, a political event that impacts not only American citizens but also the global political and economic landscape. ...