Now showing items 1-10 of 92
Game of Drones - Viability Study of Drone Deliveries in Swedish Rural Last Mile Transport
Problem discussion and objective: Despite its well-established networks of service points, Swedish logistics carriers are still facing many last mile challenges in terms of satisfying customers and becoming more sustainable ...
AUSTERITY AND THE SWEDISH POLITICAL ECONOMY: A Case Study on the Rise of the Swedish Consolidation State
Following the 1990-1994 crisis, the Swedish government embarked on an ambitious austerity
programme that transformed the Swedish polity beyond recognition. This has given rise to a
‘consolidation state’ that operates ...
To Require or not to Require: A Case Study on the Benefits and Drawbacks of Requirements Engineering Practices in Startups
Software startups operate
in conditions of uncertainty to develop software intensive products/
services. While few startups succeed, the majority fail and
poor requirements engineering practices play a significant role ...
Ungas deltagande i partipolitiken - En kvantitativ studie om vilka faktorer som påverkar ungdomars sannolikhet att vara medlem i ett politiskt parti
This thesis examines the political party membership in Swedish parties between 2003–2017. Previous research has observed a negative trend in the number of members of political parties. They have also found that there is a ...
“INTEGRATED? JUST LAGOM.” Socio-cultural integration of young EU-expatriates in Gothenburg
This thesis examines aspects of social and cultural integration of young EU-expatriates in
Gothenburg, Sweden. It focuses on three areas – workplace, language and socialization – that
came forward as the most important ...
Understanding The Startup Studio Incubation Model
Over the past few years, thanks to the rise of a substantial figure of startup unicorns including: Dollar
Shave Club, Zalando, Jumia, DeliveryHero and HelloFresh , “ Startup Studios ” have emerged
vigorously into the ...
PICTURES AT AN ELECTION A visual semiotic analysis of Swedish political parties’ visual communication in the 2018 election
The following thesis utilizes visual social semiotic analysis in order to investigate the usage of images by Swedish political parties during the election campaign to the Swedish Riksdag of 2018. Visual semiotics is used ...
Using Conservation Conflict Transformation as a Framework to Address Social Conflict Over Wildlife in a Swedish County
In Europe, and throughout the world, the return and preservation of large carnivores is
escalating tensions between stakeholder groups, as well as between local actors and
authorities. While wolf conservation efforts ...
Hinder och begränsningar för flyktingkvinnor i Sverige att uppnå sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa och rättigheter (SRHR): En kvalitativ undersökning om flyktingkvinnors barriärer till SRHR-vård
Health is a universal human right which includes ones sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). It is covered in the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals as a vital part for women’s health, yet for many women these ...
High time for change: counter-discourse and grassroot mobilization in Swedish Facebook groups for drug decriminalization
Future drug policy can benefit from understanding why the dominant Swedish
discourse of drug prohibition as morally superior is being challenged by an
online counterpublic, making use of Facebook groups to form ...