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(Citytidningen CT, 2024) -
(Citytidningen CT, 2024) -
Critique de texte et interprétations d’ouvrages de Basile de Césarée ; Remarques sur les textes d’Eunome et de ses adversaires Basile et Grégoire de Nysse
(2023)The following remarks on works of Basil of Caesarea, Eunomius and Gregory of Nyssa concern the texts and the interpretation of certain passages which are of interest for different reasons: the tradition may be insecure ... -
Esias Tegnérs dikt Napoleon 1821
(Citytidningen CT, 2022) -
Weighing Vikings
(2022)In his memoirs, Rome's first emperor, Augustus, can proudly recount how during his reign at the beginning of our era, he sought contact with the peoples of the north, at the edge of the world. One hundred and fifty years ... -
Vägande vikingar
(Ingmar Stenroth; Citytidningen CT, Göteborg, 2022)I sina memoarer kan Roms förste kejsare, Augustus, stolt berätta om hur han under sin regeringstid i början av vår tideräkning sökt kontakt med folken i som bor i norr, vid kanten av världens slut. Hundrafemtio år senare ... -
Göthiska förbundet - Det nationella genombrottet i svensk kultur
(Citytidningen CT, Göteborg, 2019) -
Critique de texte et interprétations d’œuvres de Philon d’Alexandrie : De sacrificiis Abelis et Caini (Sacr.), Quod deterius potiori insidiari soleat (Deter.), De posteritate Caini (Poster.)
(University of Gothenburg, 2018-11)Remarks, with short bibliographical notes, on around 30 passages in three treatises by Philo; in a loose form, these three can be regarded as a unity. -
Bengt Erland Fogelberg
(2018) -
Bohus fästning - en bibliografi
(2022) -
Critique de texte et interprétations de In Flaccum et Legatio ad Caium de Philon d’Alexandrie
(Göteborgs Universitet, 2018)