Now showing items 11-20 of 20
Les textes de s. Hilaire de Poitiers : Remarques et interprétations avec un supplément sur les citations de l'Épître aux Philippiens
The first part is a close reading of those works of Hilary of Poitiers which can be read in
modern editions, the purpose being to find out what he really meant to say in passages which
are difficult to understand or where ...
Critique de texte et interprétations de In Flaccum et Legatio ad Caium de Philon d’Alexandrie
(Göteborgs Universitet, 2018)
Dispositivos. Sobre la Hospitalidad, la Hostilidad y el Diseño
(Editorial de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2017)
L'Évangile de S. Jean dans les « quatre grands »: une comparaison
A comparison of the text of the Gospel of John as presented in P66 , P75, codex Sinaiticus and codex Vaticanus leads to the conclusion that the texts have been revised and changed in many ways. Many passages have been ...
Göthiska förbundet - Det nationella genombrottet i svensk kultur
(Citytidningen CT, Göteborg, 2019)