Biblioteksgatan utan bilar. Preferenser och förväntade effekter av trafiklugnande åtgärder i Mölnlycke
With the threat from global warming, we must change our way of life, to avoid a planetary catastrophe. One of the biggest polluters is the way we transport ourselves and therefor one of the most important ways to work against global warming is through changing to a more sustainable transportation: from cars to walking, cyckling and commuting. One way to do this is to encourage modal shift by fysical design, but we still mostly plan for a car dependent society. One of the reasons is the belief that cars equals an growing economy and is vital for a place to be commersially viable.
This thesis therefor have examined attitudes towards carfree zones in a small swedish town. The results show that most people prefer a car free city center and that they believe that it would make them choose sustainable transportation more often. They also believe that this would make them shop a little bit less, but if they overestimate the connection between using their cars and shopping, like previous research has shown, the effect would probably be insignificant. There are some differences in preferences between different groups of people, why this is needs to be studied further.
Student essay
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Otterloo Kuronen, Joel
”trafiklugnande åtgärder”, ”bilfri zon”, ”bilfria zoners effekter på handel”, ”preferenser kring trafiklugnande åtgärder”, ”hållbar mobilitet”
Series/Report no.