Browsing Department of Human and Economic Geography / Inst för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi (-2012) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Proximity Matters? Geographical aspects of changing strategies in automotive subcontracting relationships:the case of domestic suppliers to Volvo Troslanda assembly plant.
(1999)This study analyses the significance of geographical proximity in the restructuring process of a domestic subcontractor system in the Swedish automotive industry, using the Volvo Torslanda assembly plant as a case. The ... -
Reser man mindre i täta orter? - Tätortsstrukturer och dagligt resande i Sverige 1978 och 1997
(2000)Detta är en arbetsrapport utförd inom projektet Befolkningens resvanor och aktivitetsmönster. Projektets allmänna syfte är att studera hur människors resvanor utvecklats i Sverige under den senaste 20-årsperioden. Projektet ... -
Ports in Transition in Countries in Transition - The changing situation for ports in Russia and the Baltic states in times of geopolitical and economical transition
(2000)Ports in Transition in Countries in Transition - The changing situation for ports in Russia and the Baltic states in times of geopolitical and economical transition. Edited by the Department of Human and Economic Geography, ... -
Kvinnors hälsa – en fråga om medvetenhet, möjligheter och makt - Att öka förståelsen för människors livssammanhang genom tidsgeografisk analys
(2002)This thesis is an exploratory and action-oriented study, with a focus on the present societal problem of long-term sick leave. It deals with people’s efforts to keep their health when it is threatened and to regain it when ... -
Ungdomars användning av dator, internet och mobiltelefon - Konsekvenser för vardagslivets geografiska dimensioner
(2002)SAMMANFATTNING Syftet med denna rapport är att undersöka hur ungdomar i sin vardag använder sig av olika former av informations- och kommunikationsteknologi (IKT: dator, internet, mobil och fast telefon) och hur användningen ... -
Baltic Sea Ports and Russian Foreign Trade – Studies in the Economic and Political Geography of Transition
(2003)Baltic Sea Ports and Russian Foreign Trade – Studies in the Economic and Political Geography of Transition Edited at the Department of Human and Economic Geography, University of Göteborg. Series B, no 104, 372 ... -
Ungdomars virtuella rörlighet - Användningen av dator, internet och mobiltelefon i ett geografiskt perspektiv
(2004)This study explores how urban young people fit the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) into their everyday lives. Their virtual mobility may be lasting and have long-term effects on socio-spatial ... -
Responses to change in accessibility. Socio-economic impacts of road investment : the distributive outcomes in two rural peripheral Philippine municipalities
(2007)This study describes, evaluates and analyses how a substantial improvement of road accessibility has influenced the distributional outcomes of socio-economic development impacts in a rural peripheral area in the Philippines. The ... -
Barn och natur i storstaden: En studie av barns förhållande till naturområden i hemmets närhet – med exempel från Stockholm och Göteborg
(2009-04-21)Children and nearby nature. A study of children’s relationship to nature areas close to home – with examples from Stockholm and Göteborg. CHOROS 2009:1. Department of Human and Economic Geography, Göteborg University. The ... -
The Past of Present Livelihoods. Historical perspectives on modernisation, rural policy regimes and smallholder poverty - a case from Eastern Zambia
(2011-05-11)This study is an enquiry into the processes shaping rural livelihoods in peripheral areas. The study is situated in the field of livelihood research and departs in the persistent crisis within African smallholder agriculture ... -
Den massmediala (re)produktionen av turismens platser – geografiska perspektiv på journalistikens uttryck och produktionsförhållanden
(2011-10-04)ABSTRACT Lindström N., Kristina, 2011, (Re)producing Tourist Destinations in the Mass Media. Geographical Perspectives on Journalistic Representations and the Conditions of their Production. Publications edited by the ... -
Kreativa individers bostadsområden och arbetsställen – Belysta mot bakgrund av näringslivets omvandling och förändringar i bebyggelsestrukturen i Göteborg
(2011-11-18)Creative individuals’ residential areas and places of work In light of economic transformation and changes in the urban structure in Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden. This thesis studies the residential areas and places ... -
From formal employment to street vending: Women’s room to maneuver and labor market decisions under conditions of export-orientation – the case of Penang, Malaysia.
(2012-01-09)This study is a compilation thesis consisting of an introduction and four separate papers. It is an inquiry into women‟s working lives in Penang, Malaysia. The export-oriented development model adopted in Malaysia stimulated ... -
“De är inte ute så mycket” Den bostadsnära naturkontaktens betydelse och utrymme i storstadsbarns vardagsliv
(2012-05-08)ABSTRACT Sandberg, Mattias, 2012, ’They are not outdoors that much’. Nature close to home – its meaning and place in the everyday lives of urban children. Publications edited by the Departments of Geography, University ...