Now showing items 21-30 of 62
Seeing the parts, understanding the whole - A technology education perspective on teaching and learning in processes of analysing and designing programmed technological solutions
Analysing and designing Programmed Technological Solutions (PTS) has been
introduced as a part of technology education in an effort to bring elements of
programming into the curriculum for compulsory school, in order to ...
Sambandsanalyser. Enkla statistiska metoder och exempel.
(Göteborgs universitet, 2021)
Den synliggjorda vokabulären och praktiken – gymnasieelevers akademiska skrivande på svenska
The thesis includes three studies and a kappa and it has a twofold focus; the first is on vocabulary, as the relevance of vocabulary skills is increasingly important, not least for writing in academic contexts. The second ...
Reconfiguring Environmental Sustainability in Early Childhood Education: a Post-anthropocentric Approach
The purpose of this dissertation is twofold. First, it explores how the notion of sustainability is conceptualized within early childhood education discourses and how it is manifested in early childhood curricula. Second, ...
Samverkan genom uppdrag. Lärdomar för universitetet och samverkande partners i utbildnings- och forskningsuppdrag
(Institutionen för pedagogik och specialpedagogik, 2020-01)
Vad möjliggör och begränsar en hållbar elitfriidrott? Aktionsforskning i elitidrottspraktiker inom Göteborgs friidrottsförbund
In athletics, there are few strategies for detecting and managing ill health and poor well-being. New innovative collaborations are needed for coaches to meet the challenge of promoting health and creating well-being among ...
Digitala sexuella trakasserier i skolan: Elevperspektiv på sexting, utsatthet och jämställdhet.
Att sexta, innebär att dela självproducerade foton eller videoklipp med naket eller halvnaket innehåll av sexuell karaktär. Delningen sker genom att en person själv skickar, tar emot eller vidarebefordra sexuella foton ...
Epistemic beliefs and conceptions of competence in education for sustainable development
Education for sustainable development (ESD) raises critical questions regarding what knowledge should be taught and what the learning outcomes should be. The aim of this thesis is to explore epistemological, ethical and ...
Linking Recent and Older IEA Studies on Mathematics and Science
The purpose of this thesis was to develop procedures that allow researchers to make reasonable comparisons of grade-eight mathematics and science achievement and motivation scales over a long time period, despite changes ...
Behov av ökade kunskaper om utbildning i landsbygd(er). - Resultatrapport från kartläggning av aktuell forskning om utbildning i landsbygd inom ramen för regeringsuppdraget Uppdrag landsbygd 2022 (april 2023).
Rapporten är en kartläggning från ett projekt som genomförts inom ramen för Uppdrag Landsbygd 2022