Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Samtal under lärarlagsmöten. Diskursorienteringar i den professionella praktiken
Teacher team meetings are potential arenas for professional communication, but such meetings take many different forms and cannot automatically be viewed as forums for constructive communication. The aim of this study is ...
Overuse injuries in Swedish elite athletics - Incidence, occurrence, athlete availability, and risk factors
The overall aim of this thesis was to explore three aspects of overuse injuries in elite Swedish athletics. The thesis is compiled of
four papers, of which the first one is a study protocol. Paper II (n=58) aimed to gain ...
Running-related injuries among recreational runners
Background. It is important for improving and maintaining general health to engage in regular physical activity. A major barrier to retain in regular physical activity is quitting because of an injury. In running, one of ...
Meningsskapande samtal. En studie om barns meningsskapande med fokus på processer och innehåll relaterat till förskolans praktik
This thesis aims to contribute to the knowledge of children’s meaning-making by focusing on processes and content in preschool practice. Meaning-making is understood as a situated process that emerges in the mutual interplay ...
Värsta bästa skolan – Om unga i förorten och segregation i skolan
This thesis addresses education and schooling for youth in a disadvantaged neighbourhood in Gothenburg, Sweden. Over the last two decades or so we have seen an increasing difference in students’ performance and background ...
Exploring socioeconomic inequality in educational opportunity and outcomes in Sweden and beyond
This doctoral thesis aims to explore Sweden’s achievement gap in international assessment and how this may have developed in the context of a network of educational inequalities. Theoretically grounded in the Model of ...
Barbiebröllop och Homohundar. Barn och barndomar i relation till queerhet och (hetero)normativa livslinjer
This dissertation investigates relations between sexualities, children and childhoods by examining the following questions: How are heteronormativity and normative life courses repeated, negotiated and challenged by children? ...
Att vara och inte vara - Elevpositioner(ingar) i spänningsfältet mellan svenska och svenska som andraspråk
The present thesis addresses the division and distinction between the two Swedish subjects Swedish and Swedish as a second language, which result in separation and the categorization of some students as Swedish as a second ...
Stability and Change
The key role Swedish upper secondary education plays in differentiating between higher education and labour market sectors has been discussed from an equality perspective over the last 60 years. Despite political incentives ...
Seeing the parts, understanding the whole - A technology education perspective on teaching and learning in processes of analysing and designing programmed technological solutions
Analysing and designing Programmed Technological Solutions (PTS) has been
introduced as a part of technology education in an effort to bring elements of
programming into the curriculum for compulsory school, in order to ...