School of Business, Economics and Law / Handelshögskolan
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Recent Submissions
Financial and Environmental Narratives in Earnings Calls: Investor Processing Costs and Market Reactions
(2024-12-05)This dissertation examines the role of soft information in earnings conference calls (ECCs) and its impact on capital market dynamics. By leveraging machine learning, natural language processing, and large language models, ... -
Hållbar turism – vad är det?
(2024) -
The Political Economy of Bread and Circuses: Weather Shocks and Classic Maya Monument Construction
(University of Gothenburg, 2024-11-18)In early states, government elites provided both productivity-enhancing infrastructure, such as irrigation systems, as well as seemingly non-productive monumental architecture like temples and pyramids. The nature of ... -
The relation between modeled and perceived accessibility
(2024-11-12)This thesis investigates the relationship between modeled and perceived accessibility across different activities and transport modes. Accessibility is important for people’s daily lives as it enables them to reach and ... -
PEDAGOGISKA HÅGKOMSTER 1980–2010 - Om att få studenter och yrkesverksamma att lära om management, med tonvikt på chef- och ledarskap vid Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet
(2024)Under tre decennier arbetade några lärare med att utveckla universitetets kurser och program inom managementområdet för studenter, prefekter och enheter inom universitetet, med uppdragsutbildningar för enskilda deltagare, ... -
Female empowerment and male backlash: Experimental evidence from India
(2024-11)Public spending on gender equality and women’s empowerment is rising rapidly in many countries. However, the unintended consequences of women’s empowerment is rarely measured and remains poorly understood. We study the ... -
Can teaching children about the environment influence household behavior? Experiments in Swedish schools
(2024-10-30)In two separate field experiments with Swedish school children aged 10-16, we evaluate variants of an Environmental Education Program (EEP) designed to reduce household waste. We match the addresses of participating students ... -
Reweaving the fabric of corporate bureaucracy -The development of organisational control in Sweden 1970-2000
(2024-10-17)This thesis in economic history investigates and analyses how Swedish industrial enterprises changed and developed their corporate bureaucracy and organisational control to become less hierarchical and more flexible and ... -
Geographical Cross-Collateralization, Universal Coverage, and Co-Investment Policy
(2024-09)We argue that geographical cross-collateralization – a firm’s ability to pledge incomes earned in more populated areas as “collateral” for the loans needed to finance in- vestments in less populated areas – plays an ... -
Essays on lnsider lnvestment Horizon and lts Role in Information Asymmetry
(2024-09-16)In the presence of information asymmetry between insiders and outside investors, outside investors use the insider investment horizon (HOR). This is a crucial trade characteristic to understand the insiders’ trade motives. ... -
On IPBES´ framing of the values of nature
(Avdelningen för kulturgeografi, 2024)The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), is highly influential when it comes to setting the global agenda for addressing the nature crisis. In the work of IPBES, significant ... -
The Impact of PhD Studies on Mental Health—A Longitudinal Population Study
(University of Gothenburg, 2024-09)Recent self-reported and cross-sectional survey evidence documents high levels of mental health problems among PhD students. We study the impact of PhD studies on mental health care uptake using Swedish administrative ... -
Gender Identity and Economic Decision Making
(University of Gothenburg, 2024-09)Economic research on gender gaps in preferences and economic outcomes has focused on variation with respect to sex—a binary classification as either a “man” or “woman.” We validate a novel and simple measure of self-reported ... -
Motherhood and Domestic Violence: A Longitudinal Study Using Population Wide Administrative Data
(University of Gothenburg, 2024-09)Most empirical studies indicate that becoming a mother is an augmenting factor for the perpetration of intimate partner violence (IPV). Using rich population-wide hospital records data from Sweden, we conduct a stacked ... -
Exploring fan engagement and commercialisation in Swedish elite football
(2024-09-02)This dissertation builds on theory of customer and fan engagement and explores the nature of fan engagement in the Swedish elite football ecosystem. In light of the increasingly interconnected service ecosystem of elite ... -
A Dual Approach to the Derivation of Feedback Demand Functions for Capital-Accumulating Agents
(University of Gothenburg, 2024-05)An optimal control model of a consumer is developed that accounts for the consumption of many goods and services, the accumulation of wealth, a state variable that affects instantaneous preferences and wealth accumulation, ... -
Esperanto – drömmen om ett världsspråk
(Dialogos Förlag, 2013)När Ludwik Zamenhof växte upp i den mångkulturella staden Białystok på 1860-talet led han av att se hur ryssar, polacker, tyskar och judar bråkade med varandra. Han trodde att huvudskälet till motsättningarna var att de ... -
(Centrum för konsumtionsforskning, 2024-05-23)I Konsumtionsrapporten 2024 sammanfattas och analyseras konsumtionen i Sverige under 2023. I den första delen, ”Hushållens konsumtion” ges en översikt över den privata konsumtionen i Sverige och hur den förändrats. Här ... -
Technological change, skills, and occupational structure in Sweden, 1870-1950
(2024-05-21)This dissertation explores occupations and skills in the Swedish labor markets during the industrial breakthrough. It encompasses an introduction and four research papers, each addressing issues related to how technological ...