Now showing items 1-10 of 1899
The (d)evolution of the cyberwoman?
In this text, we examine Donna Haraway’s idea of a liberating potential of cyborgization first in the subsequent versions of Stepford Wives (the novel, the 1975 movie, and the 2004 movie), and second in the evolution of ...
Can we do policy recommendations from a framed field experiment? The case of coca cultivation in Colombia
Laboratory experiments are potentially effective tools for studying behavior in settings where little or no information would otherwise exist such as participation in illicit activities. However, using laboratory experiments ...
Robust Control in Global Warming Management: An Analytical Dynamic Integrated Assessment
Knightian uncertainty in climate sensitivity is analyzed in a two sec-
toral integrated assessment model (IAM), based on an extension of
DICE. A representative household that expresses ambiguity aversion
uses robust ...
Veblens Theory of the Leisure Class Revisited: Implications for Optimal Income Taxation
Almost all previous studies on public policy under relative consumption concerns have ignored the role of leisure for status comparisons. Inspired by Veblen (1899), this paper considers a two-type optimal income tax model, ...
Konsumenters köp av ekologisk mat - En forskningsöversikt
Vår översikt över de senaste årens forskning om konsumenters inställning till och
köp av ekologisk mat visar att:
• Andelen köpta ekologiska livsmedel är liten trots ett stort intresse för miljöfrågor.
Konsumenters ...
Tax Toleration and Tax Compliance: How Government Affects the Propensity of Firms to Enter the Unofficial Economy
How do government-supplied institutional benefits and the taxation and regulation of produc- ers affect the propensity of private firms to enter the unofficial economy and evade taxation? We propose a model in which the ...
“De är inte ute så mycket” Den bostadsnära naturkontaktens betydelse och utrymme i storstadsbarns vardagsliv
Sandberg, Mattias, 2012, ’They are not outdoors that much’. Nature close to home – its meaning and place in the everyday lives of urban children. Publications edited by the Departments of Geography, University ...
Airline choice, switching costs and frequent flyer programs
Switching costs are costs that customers face when switching from one firm to another. In markets such
as the airline market where repeated purchases are common, switching costs may be substantial. In this
paper we ...
The Role of Energy Efficiency in the Deregulated Swedish Electricity Market
(Proceedings from the ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, Washington, DC., 2000)
Four years have passed since January 1996 when retail competition was introduced in the Swedish electricity market. These years have been characterized by a rapid restructuring of the electricity supply industry through ...
Regional logistiksamverkan för konkurrenskraft
Forskningens syfte är att närmare studera motiv till, utformning och funktion av regional logistiksamverkan och möjligheten att utveckla regionala logistikcentra. Av speciellt intresse är att identifiera nyttan av regional ...