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dc.contributor.authorKorp, Elin
dc.description.abstractThe Covid-19 pandemic resulted in a societal crisis where different groups of society were hit to varying degrees. One group that faced more severe consequences than others were the working class due to their limited economic resources and small opportunities to work from home. Building from this, the aim of this thesis has been to investigate attitudes towards the measures taken by the governments to fight the pandemic among the working class in the Scandinavian countries. The focus on the Scandinavian countries stems from them often being viewed as similar in an European context, but despite that they differed significantly in their strategies. Previous research regarding attitudes during the pandemic has mostly focused on different types of explanatory factors for attitudes such as trust, welfare systems and public administration systems. The theoretical framework includes the aspects that previous research has promoted, but also includes the TBP-theory and the theoretical rally around the flag- hypothesis. The results from the multiple regression analysis, which builds on data from the Eurobarometer 2020-2021, shows that the working class in general are the ones most satisfied with the containment measures, but that the class variable overall has a weak explanatory power.en
dc.subjectArbetarklass, Attityder, Arbetarklassattityder, Covid-19 pandemin, Pandemiåtgärder, Skandinavien, Välfärdsstateren
dc.subjectWorking class, Attitudes, Working class attitudes, Covid-19 containment measures, Scandinavian Countries, Welfare statesen
dc.titleEn skandinavisk allians?en
dc.title.alternativeEn kvantitativ studie om arbetarklassens attityder till vidtagna åtgärder under coronapandemin i de skandinaviska länderna.en
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Statsvetenskapliga institutionenswe
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Political Scienceeng
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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