Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Statsvetenskapliga institutionen
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The Causes and Consequences of Government Concessions to Protests
(2024-12-10)Political street protests are a prominent form of political participation worldwide that transcends political regimes and ideologies. When governments give in to protesters' demands and grant concessions, these concessions ... -
Beyond the Border: International pressures and state-building
(2024-12-10)States vary tremendously in their ability to effectively implement decisions. Moreover, such differences in “state capacity” exist not only between countries, but also within the territories that states claim to govern. ... -
Chasing Gold, Overlooking Welfare: Exposure to Wealth in Everyday Life and Support for Social Spending.
(2024-10-25)According to conventional wisdom, exposure to wealth in everyday life decreases subjective economic status, resulting in higher support for redistribution and social spending among less-affluent citizens. However, sociological ... -
Clients of God - Exploring how hierarchical religious bonds shape political behaviour
(2024-08-19)One of the perennial questions of political science is how people decide which candidate to vote for. In the context of developing democracies one dominant explanation is clientelism, where clients sell their votes in ... -
Bugs and Bureaucracies: Institutions, Administrative Autonomy, and the Governance of Antibiotic Resistance
(2024-05-20)This dissertation investigates how variations in civil service arrangements among European states impact concerted governance over antibiotic resistance. Through four standalone research papers, it demonstrates that different ... -
On People and Their Passions: The Role of Identities and Emotions in Radical Political Behavior
(2024-04-25)Abundant evidence suggests that identities and emotions motivate individuals to engage in two recently prominent political behaviors: radical right support and affective polarization. This dissertation integrates this ... -
Pregnancy and politics: On the gender gap in political knowledge, attitudes, and participation
(2024-03-21)Pregnancy and early parenthood are significant life milestones. They also affect women and men differently. The biological marvel of pregnancy and birth and the changing social roles that come with parenthood can trigger ... -
Beyond the Party’s Realm - The Consequences of Variation in Candidate Selection
(2023-11-10)In the last two decades, Western European parties have introduced various methods to select candidates for executive public office. A process that before was mainly the privilege of a narrow elite was opened to party members ... -
Aid by Democratic Versus Autocratic Donors: Democratization Processes and Citizens’ Perceptions in Recipient Countries
(2023-08-21)OECD countries are no longer the sole major providers of financial flows abroad. Authoritarian countries such as China, Russia, Iran, and Saudi Arabia, with their distinct practices and implementation processes, are ... -
Political Trust – More Personal Than We Thought? Explaining How and When Personality Traits Affect Political Trust.
(2023-08-16)Political trust is crucial for a well-functioning society. Yet few countries enjoy the benefits of high political trust. This makes people wonder how trust in institutions is built. While trust in political institutions ... -
Public Attitudes Towards Environmental Taxation: The Interplay Between Values, Trust, and Quality of Government
(2023-06-16)Environmental problems are commonly understood to be rooted in collective action dilemmas where the rational course of action for individuals is to engage in polluting activities to receive short-term benefits, while the ... -
Contested Feminism: Backlash and the Radical Right
(2023-06-02)During the past decade, various societies have observed feminist mobilizations and antifeminist counter-mobilizations, the latter being partly driven by radical right parties. Even in societies marked by institutions and ... -
Playing the Enemy: Information, Deception, and Dictatorial Survival
What strategies do autocrats use to maintain power? Across three papers, I examine puzzling aspects of autocratic rule. These range from personalist dictators publicizing failed conspiracies to opposition involvement in ... -
Towards Legitimacy as Congruence: Regimes' Menus of Legitimation and Citizens’ Appetites
(2022-05-23)Legitimacy is one of the most crucial concepts in political science. It concerns how authority can be exercised in ways that those subjected to it willingly accept, something that all rulers desire. It is also one of the ... -
Party Organizations and the Dynamics of Autocratic Rule: Co-optation, Repression, and Regime Change
(2022-05-12)This dissertation is about political parties in autocracies. The recent institutionalist turn in comparative authoritarianism has renewed attention to the role of political parties by highlighting the strategic value of ... -
Principled Principals? Voter Responses to Public Goods Provision
(2022-03-02)Do voters in developing democracies reward incumbents for public goods provision? One of the basic assumptions of democratic theory is that voters use elections to punish and reward incumbents for their performance in ... -
Perceptions of Political Competition and the Integrity of Elections
(2022-01-26)Political competition is generally regarded as one of the hallmarks of a well-functioning democracy. Competitive elections hold politicians to account, thereby increasing government performance to the benefit of citizens. ... -
Uncertainty and Persuasion. Essays on Behavioral Political Economy
(2022-01-13)When voters form their political opinions and decide whom to vote for, they are confronted with at least two types of uncertainty. First, voters cannot be sure what reforms a political party will pursue once in office. ... -
Understanding the Conditions and Consequences of Women’s Political Representation
(2021-12-17)In recent decades, women’s ability to engage in politics and civil society has risen dramatically across the globe. What has the increase in the number of women in politics, their “descriptive representation”, meant in ... -
Immigrants’ Political Integration in Anti- and Pro-Immigrant Contexts
(2021-12-09)Millions of people have migrated to Europe during the last decades. As a result, the issue of immigrant integration in host societies has received increased attention among scholars and policymakers. The question of how ...