Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Statsvetenskapliga institutionen by Title
Now showing items 45-64 of 72
Playing the Enemy: Information, Deception, and Dictatorial Survival
What strategies do autocrats use to maintain power? Across three papers, I examine puzzling aspects of autocratic rule. These range from personalist dictators publicizing failed conspiracies to opposition involvement in ... -
Pledge-based accountability: Voter responses to fulfilled and broken election pledges
(2021-05-12)Political parties communicate their plans to voters via promises made during election campaigns. While it has been found that governments generally take these promises they make seriously, it has also been established ... -
Political Trust – More Personal Than We Thought? Explaining How and When Personality Traits Affect Political Trust.
(2023-08-16)Political trust is crucial for a well-functioning society. Yet few countries enjoy the benefits of high political trust. This makes people wonder how trust in institutions is built. While trust in political institutions ... -
Politiker med karriärambitioner – en omöjlig självklarhet: En studie om karriärambitionernas betydelse i den representativa demokratin.
(2011-05-09)This book studies the role of individuals’ personal ambitions in politics. Swedish Members of Parliament, especially those who express an interest in reaching higher up the political ladder, are in focus. The question is ... -
Pregnancy and politics: On the gender gap in political knowledge, attitudes, and participation
(2024-03-21)Pregnancy and early parenthood are significant life milestones. They also affect women and men differently. The biological marvel of pregnancy and birth and the changing social roles that come with parenthood can trigger ... -
Principled Principals? Voter Responses to Public Goods Provision
(2022-03-02)Do voters in developing democracies reward incumbents for public goods provision? One of the basic assumptions of democratic theory is that voters use elections to punish and reward incumbents for their performance in ... -
Promising Democracy. Parties, Citizens and Election Promises
(2009-09-11)Election promises have important roles to play in representative democracy. This book gives focus to what seems to be a puzzling controversy between scholars and ordinary citizens concerning whether or not politicians ... -
Public Administration and Corruption – How To Get the Institutions That Work
(2015-05-07)Corruption is a global problem, impacting on both economic and human development. The last few decades, social science research has paid increasing attention to the problem, but rit emains limited in many aspects, not least ... -
Public Attitudes Towards Environmental Taxation: The Interplay Between Values, Trust, and Quality of Government
(2023-06-16)Environmental problems are commonly understood to be rooted in collective action dilemmas where the rational course of action for individuals is to engage in polluting activities to receive short-term benefits, while the ... -
Sex, crime and politics. How organized crime influences and adapts to political institutions, with a particular focus on sex trafficking
(2018-12-19)The trafficking in women and girls for the purpose of sexual exploitation worldwide has startled policy makers. Despite efforts to tackle this crime, the magnitude of victims remains. Simultaneously, the dimension of sex ... -
Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict: Threat, Mobilization and Gender Norms
(2019-05-13)Sexual violence is a highly gendered violence. It disproportionately – albeit not exclusively – affects women and girls, and it asserts gendered hierarchies between perpetrators and victims. The widespread rape of women ... -
Självskapelseetik bortom Foucault: En rättviseteori för ett mångkulturellt, liberalt och demokratiskt samhälle
(2013-06-10)I Självskapelseetik bortom Foucault utvecklas en rättviseteori för ett mångkulturellt, liberalt och demokratiskt samhälle. Utgångspunkt tas i Foucaults arbeten om etik och då framförallt i begreppet subjektivation. ... -
Taxation and Government Quality
(2016-02-11)The question of what creates government quality, or good institutions, is one of the central puzzles in modern political science. This dissertation investigates a hitherto underexplored cause: taxation. Historical research ... -
Technocracy within Representative Democracy. Technocratic Reasoning and Justification among Bureaucrats and Politicians
(2013-04-19)The terms ‘technocracy’ and ‘technocrat’ are becoming part of common usage and it is frequently argued that technocratic decision-making is increasing due to the growing complexity of political matters. However, there is ... -
The Causes and Consequences of Government Concessions to Protests
(2024-12-10)Political street protests are a prominent form of political participation worldwide that transcends political regimes and ideologies. When governments give in to protesters' demands and grant concessions, these concessions ... -
The Decline of Class Voting in Sweden 1968–2014: Reconsiderations, Explanations and the Role of the New Middle Class
(2019-05-13)Class voting has been one of the most wide-spread and persistent patterns of voting behavior in Western democracies throughout the 20th century. Understanding its decline is an important part of understanding the current ... -
The Multiple Dilemmas of Environmental Protection: The Effects of Generalized and Political Trust on the Acceptance of Environmental Policy Instruments
(2014-09-04)With different environmental policy instruments (EPIs) that target individual citizens, the state can change activities or behaviors that have negative environmental consequences. However, EPIs are not likely to be implemented ... -
The Political Participation of the Poor: Local Social Context and the Impact of Social Ties on the Political Engagement of Poor Individuals
(2021-05-18)Research on political participation finds that poor citizens engage less in politics than wealthy citizens. Yet, recent survey evidence also suggests that there is crucial variation in the poor’s level of engagement within ... -
Towards Legitimacy as Congruence: Regimes' Menus of Legitimation and Citizens’ Appetites
(2022-05-23)Legitimacy is one of the most crucial concepts in political science. It concerns how authority can be exercised in ways that those subjected to it willingly accept, something that all rulers desire. It is also one of the ...