Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Statsvetenskapliga institutionen by Title
Now showing items 34-53 of 73
Minoritarian Activism – Judicial Politics in the European Union
(2016-11-07)Abstract Is the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) best described as a run-away agent, free to influence the EU according to its own preferences, or as an obedient servant of EU member state governments? In this ... -
National Institutions – International Migration. Labour Markets, Welfare States and Immigration Policy
(2012-12-13)All advanced capitalist countries admit entry to some immigrants and refuse entry to others. Despite the fact that all these countries accept some, but not all, potential immigrants, the variation when it comes to the ... -
Necessary but not Sustainable? The Limits of Democracy in Achieving Environmental Sustainability
(2018-05-02)The world today faces a number of environmental problems that are both severe and urgent. Finding effective solutions is one of the top priorities for the international community, with at least half of the United Nations ... -
Negotiations as Usual. Putting Domestic Constraints on the Table in the Council of the European Union
(2015-03-30)The argument developed in this thesis is that negotiations in the Council of the European Union cannot be understood in isolation from the domestic politics of the member states. Building on the logic of Robert Putnam’s ... -
Not Even for Merriment - Economic Concentration and Institutions
(2018-08-13)Institutional design is often argued to be an expression and an instrument of the will of powerful interests. In this dissertation, I examine the impact of diversification and changes in the economy on institutional ... -
On People and Their Passions: The Role of Identities and Emotions in Radical Political Behavior
(2024-04-25)Abundant evidence suggests that identities and emotions motivate individuals to engage in two recently prominent political behaviors: radical right support and affective polarization. This dissertation integrates this ... -
Operational Military Violence: A Cartography of Bureaucratic Minds and Practices
(2019-01-28)Western use of military violence is becoming increasingly centralised, partly through the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (or more commonly referred to as “drones” in the literature). Drone technology allows control and ... -
Partisan Politics and Institutional Choice in Public Bureaucracies
(2016-12-20)Political leaders can indirectly control policy implementation by strategically manipulating administrative institutions. In this dissertation, Mikael Holmgren argues that, precisely because administrative institutions are ... -
Party Organizations and the Dynamics of Autocratic Rule: Co-optation, Repression, and Regime Change
(2022-05-12)This dissertation is about political parties in autocracies. The recent institutionalist turn in comparative authoritarianism has renewed attention to the role of political parties by highlighting the strategic value of ... -
Perceptions of Political Competition and the Integrity of Elections
(2022-01-26)Political competition is generally regarded as one of the hallmarks of a well-functioning democracy. Competitive elections hold politicians to account, thereby increasing government performance to the benefit of citizens. ... -
The personal and the political : how personal welfare state experiences affect political trust and ideology
(2002)Citizens in advanced industrial democracies frequently have personal experiences with public services and welfare state arrangements. They may have regular contact with public health care services, schools, public ... -
Playing the Enemy: Information, Deception, and Dictatorial Survival
What strategies do autocrats use to maintain power? Across three papers, I examine puzzling aspects of autocratic rule. These range from personalist dictators publicizing failed conspiracies to opposition involvement in ... -
Pledge-based accountability: Voter responses to fulfilled and broken election pledges
(2021-05-12)Political parties communicate their plans to voters via promises made during election campaigns. While it has been found that governments generally take these promises they make seriously, it has also been established ... -
Political Trust – More Personal Than We Thought? Explaining How and When Personality Traits Affect Political Trust.
(2023-08-16)Political trust is crucial for a well-functioning society. Yet few countries enjoy the benefits of high political trust. This makes people wonder how trust in institutions is built. While trust in political institutions ... -
Politiker med karriärambitioner – en omöjlig självklarhet: En studie om karriärambitionernas betydelse i den representativa demokratin.
(2011-05-09)This book studies the role of individuals’ personal ambitions in politics. Swedish Members of Parliament, especially those who express an interest in reaching higher up the political ladder, are in focus. The question is ... -
Pregnancy and politics: On the gender gap in political knowledge, attitudes, and participation
(2024-03-21)Pregnancy and early parenthood are significant life milestones. They also affect women and men differently. The biological marvel of pregnancy and birth and the changing social roles that come with parenthood can trigger ... -
Principled Principals? Voter Responses to Public Goods Provision
(2022-03-02)Do voters in developing democracies reward incumbents for public goods provision? One of the basic assumptions of democratic theory is that voters use elections to punish and reward incumbents for their performance in ... -
Promising Democracy. Parties, Citizens and Election Promises
(2009-09-11)Election promises have important roles to play in representative democracy. This book gives focus to what seems to be a puzzling controversy between scholars and ordinary citizens concerning whether or not politicians ... -
Public Administration and Corruption – How To Get the Institutions That Work
(2015-05-07)Corruption is a global problem, impacting on both economic and human development. The last few decades, social science research has paid increasing attention to the problem, but rit emains limited in many aspects, not least ...