Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar Statsvetenskapliga institutionen by Title
Now showing items 21-40 of 73
Den förhandlade makten. Kulturella värdekonflikter i den svenska skolan.
(2011-10-26)Sjögren, Fredrik Negotiated Power. Cultural Value Conflicts in Swedish Compulsory Schools (Swedish title: Den förhandlade makten. Värdekonflikter i den svenska skolan). Swedish text. English summary. Göteborg Studies in ... -
Generalized trust and the collective action dilemma of immunization
(2015-02-11)Immunization is one of the most cost-efficient medical treatments available. But the potential for societies to secure the public health benefits generated by vaccinations can be reduced by the collective action dilemma ... -
Generalized Trust in Surveys: From Scales to Dragons
(2015-12-21)Generalized trust has been one of the frequently researched attitudes in political and social sciences. Although this type of trust saw its real breakthrough in the theories about social capital, offered by Robert D. ... -
Den goda medborgaren i det västerländska samhället
(2015-11-09)This thesis is about the good citizen in a typical Western society. This type of society is characterized by some kind of representative democracy, some kind of market economy, and a relatively large amount of personal ... -
Governing the Grey Zone: Why Hybrid Regimes in Europe’s Eastern Neighborhood Pursue Partial Governance Reforms
(2017-12-04)Every year the European Union, as well as numerous other international organizations, states, and transnational networks wield ample resources to promote democratic governance in the developing countries. However, the ... -
Hur mycket mångfald tål demokratin? Demokratiska dilemman i ett mångkulturellt Sverige.
(2009-05-15)How diverse, in terms of values, lifestyles and identities, can a society be without negative effects on democracy? To what extent does cultural diversity challenge democracy, and how should we respond to this challenge? ... -
Immigrants’ Political Integration in Anti- and Pro-Immigrant Contexts
(2021-12-09)Millions of people have migrated to Europe during the last decades. As a result, the issue of immigrant integration in host societies has received increased attention among scholars and policymakers. The question of how ... -
Institutional Impediments and Reluctant Actors – The Limited Role of Democracy Aid in Democratic Development.
(2013-06-10)Poverty reduction and societal modernization have traditionally been the main goals for development aid but increasingly, since the early 1990s, democracy and human rights have ascended in importance and democracy aid has ... -
Losing Your Grip: Feelings of Control and Unsubstantiated Political Beliefs
(2025-01-15)Widespread corruption has equally widespread impact on the people and functioning of that society. However, while abuses of power may be found in all societies, in many places corruption is far less common and individuals ... -
Magic Wand or Pandoras Box? How transparency in decision making affects public perceptions of legitimacy
(2014-06-11)According to conventional wisdom and political rhetoric, increased transparency in political decision making is a powerful tool to increase public acceptance of decisions and trust in decision makers. The question of why ... -
Making their way home from Brussels. New Political Parties in European and National Elections
(2015-04-30)This thesis studies new political parties in the context of both European and national elections. It argues that the study of new political parties should not focus only on the national level. This is particularly true ... -
Marknaden och lärarna. Hur organiseringen av skolan påverkar lärares offentliga tjänstemannaskap
(2011-01-03)Går det att styra lärare genom skolans organisering? Tidigare forskning ger motsägelsefulla besked och framställer vanligtvis lärare som antingen i hög grad mottagliga för politisk styrning eller nära nog politiskt ostyrbara. ... -
Mating and Political Inequality
(2020-08-20)Political equality is one of the cornerstones of a well-functioning democracy. Yet, very few democracies live up to this ideal. In this dissertation, I show that a central part of human behavior, mating, can help us explain ... -
Minoritarian Activism – Judicial Politics in the European Union
(2016-11-07)Abstract Is the Court of Justice of the EU (CJEU) best described as a run-away agent, free to influence the EU according to its own preferences, or as an obedient servant of EU member state governments? In this ... -
National Institutions – International Migration. Labour Markets, Welfare States and Immigration Policy
(2012-12-13)All advanced capitalist countries admit entry to some immigrants and refuse entry to others. Despite the fact that all these countries accept some, but not all, potential immigrants, the variation when it comes to the ... -
Necessary but not Sustainable? The Limits of Democracy in Achieving Environmental Sustainability
(2018-05-02)The world today faces a number of environmental problems that are both severe and urgent. Finding effective solutions is one of the top priorities for the international community, with at least half of the United Nations ... -
Negotiations as Usual. Putting Domestic Constraints on the Table in the Council of the European Union
(2015-03-30)The argument developed in this thesis is that negotiations in the Council of the European Union cannot be understood in isolation from the domestic politics of the member states. Building on the logic of Robert Putnam’s ... -
Not Even for Merriment - Economic Concentration and Institutions
(2018-08-13)Institutional design is often argued to be an expression and an instrument of the will of powerful interests. In this dissertation, I examine the impact of diversification and changes in the economy on institutional ... -
On People and Their Passions: The Role of Identities and Emotions in Radical Political Behavior
(2024-04-25)Abundant evidence suggests that identities and emotions motivate individuals to engage in two recently prominent political behaviors: radical right support and affective polarization. This dissertation integrates this ...