Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Symbolic Solution of Emerson-Lei Games for Reactive Synthesis
Emerson-Lei conditions have recently attracted attention due to both their succinctness and their favorable closure properties. In the current work, we show how infinite-duration games with Emerson-Lei objectives can be ...
Fair Omega-regular Games
(27th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, 2024)
We consider two-player games over finite graphs in which both players are restricted by fairness constraints on their moves. Given a two player game graph G=(V,E) and a set of fair moves E_f a subset of E a player is said ...
Faster Game Solving by Fixpoint Acceleration
We propose a method for solving parity games with acyclic (DAG) sub-structures by computing nested fixpoints of a DAG attractor function that lives over the non-DAG parts of the game, thereby restricting the domain of the ...
Intuitive Modelling and Formal Analysis of Collective Behaviour in Foraging Ants
We demonstrate a novel methodology that integrates intuitive
modelling, simulation, and formal verification of collective behaviour in
biological systems. To that end, we consider the case of a colony of foraging
ants, ...
Synthesis for prefix first-order logic on data words
We study the reactive synthesis problem for distributed systems with an unbounded number of participants interacting with an uncontrollable environment. Executions of those systems are modeled by data words, and specifications ...
Attributed Point-to-Point Communication in R-CHECK
(Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), 2024)
Autonomous multi-agent, or more generally, collective adaptive systems, use different modes of communication to support their autonomy and ease of interaction. In order to enable modelling and reasoning about such systems, ...
Adding Reconfiguration to Zielonka’s Asynchronous Automata
(Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, EPTCS, 88-102, 2024)
We study an extension of Zielonka’s (fixed) asynchronous automata called reconfigurable asynchronous automata where processes can dynamically change who they communicate with. We show that reconfigurable asynchronous ...
Distribution of Reconfiguration Languages maintaining Tree-like Communication Topology
We study how to distribute trace languages in a setting where processes communicate via reconfigurable communication channels. That is, the different processes can connect and disconnect from channels at run time. We ...
Faster and Smaller Solutions of Obliging Games
(35th International Conference on Concurrency Theory (CONCUR 2024), 2024)
Obliging games have been introduced in the context of the game perspective on reactive synthesis in order to enforce a degree of cooperation between the to-be-synthesized system and the environment. Previous approaches to ...