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dc.contributor.authorAzzopardi, Shaun
dc.contributor.authorEllul, Joshua
dc.contributor.authorFalzon, Ryan
dc.contributor.authorPace, Gordon J.
dc.identifier.citationRV 2022: Runtime Verification pp 243–252en
dc.description.abstractAspect-oriented programming tools aim to provide increased code modularity by enabling programming of cross-cutting concerns separate from the main body of code. Since the inception of runtime verification, aspect-oriented programming has regularly been touted as a perfect accompanying tool, by allowing for non-invasive monitoring instrumentation techniques. In this paper we present, AspectSol, which enables aspect-oriented programming for smart contracts written in Solidity, and then discuss the design space for pointcuts and aspects in this context. We present and evaluate practical runtime verification uses and applications of the tool.en
dc.publisherInternational Conference on Runtime Verificationen
dc.subjectAspect-Oriented Programmingen
dc.subjectSmart Contractsen
dc.subjectRuntime Verificationen
dc.titleAspectSol: A Solidity Aspect-Oriented Programming Tool with Applications in Runtime Verificationen
dc.type.svepconference paper, peer revieweden

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