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dc.contributor.authorBerg, Linda
dc.contributor.authorHöglund Arveklev, Susanna
dc.contributor.authorLarsson, Stina
dc.contributor.authorLepp, Margret
dc.description.abstractA good understanding of communication skills is a core element of nursing education. High demands are placed upon nurses for professionalism and competence in their encounters with patients, relatives, colleagues and students. Professional interaction means adapting one’s manner and behavior according to the requirements of the situation. There is therefore a need for pedagogical methods that help students reflect upon their communication patterns in clinical practice. Drama pedagogy is one such method that enables self-reflection and reflection through dialogue with others. How the disciplines of care and drama pedagogy can be integrated in order to enhance students’ learning is described in the report: Drama pedagogy in Nursing Education – Learning about care, encounters and communication. This report presents a section of the course Nursing in Health and Illness (30 credits) that forms part of the nursing programme at the University of Gothenburg. The report is designed to be used as a pedagogical tool by anyone who is interested in how drama pedagogy might be used to enhance healthcare education. It is written primarily for students, teachers and practitioners in healthcare, where the encounter between caregiver and patients and their relatives may be decisive for the development of professional competence and quality care.en
dc.format.extent64 pagesen
dc.publisherCentre for Culture and Health, University of Gothenburgen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesHögskolepedagogisk skriftserie (Publications on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education) 2022:01en
dc.titleDrama pedagogy in Nursing Education – Learning about care, encounters and communicationen
dc.contributor.organizationThe unit for Pedagogical Development and Interactive Learning (PIL), University of Gothenburgen

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