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dc.contributor.authorLindh, Elin
dc.description.abstractPrevious studies have shown that teachers of geography in grades 4-6 seldom undertake fieldwork as a part of their teaching practice. This study aims to explore teachers’ reasoning regarding their didactic choices concerning fieldwork, in order to explore possible explanations for this aforementioned low prevalence. This is achieved by researching the questions; (1) how they think about the use of fieldwork, (2) what effect subject traditions may have on the use of fieldwork and (3) what factors teachers mean complicates the implementation of fieldwork. To accomplish this, 5 teachers are interviewed, and their answers thematically analysed using selective traditions and frame factors. The study found that the interviewed teachers seldom undertake geographic fieldwork. It further revealed that teachers tend to associate fieldwork with physical geography, the study of maps and examining the difference between natural and cultural landscapes. Teachers identify multiple factors influencing their perceived ability to implement fieldwork including national and local curricula, cost, pupil limitations, available extra personnel, time and scheduling limitations. Notably the schools’ local areas were seen as a hindrance as it did not contain enough wild nature. Instead, teachers felt a need to undertake travel to bring the class to a spot suitable for geographic fieldwork. The study found that teachers’ view of what is suitable geographic fieldwork content could limit the potential of the schools’ local areas.en
dc.subjectfältstudier, selektiv tradition, ramfaktorer, närområdeten
dc.titleDet är faktiskt gratis att ta en promenad - En intervjustudie om fältstudier i geografiundervisningenen
dc.title.alternativeIt’s actually free to take a walk - An interview study about fieldwork in geography teachingen
dc.contributor.departmentUniversity of Gothenburg/Department of Educationeng
dc.contributor.departmentGöteborgs universitet/Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktikswe
dc.type.degreeStudent essay

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