Browsing Doctoral Theses / Doktorsavhandlingar HDK-Valand by Title
Now showing items 10-16 of 16
Rewinding Internationalism. An Exhibitionary Inquiry on the Political Imaginary
(2023-11-17)‘Rewinding Internationalism: An Exhibitionary Inquiry on the Political Imaginary’ investigates the relationship between exhibition making, processes of inquiry and the political. The project originates from, and takes place ... -
”Sketch and Talk”, Drawing lines between incarcerated humans, the interior, and “stuff”. Design methodologies for (well)-being in prisons, youth homes and psychiatric hospitals
(2023-08-31)With increasing global and local incarceration, the demand for prison beds is rapidly growing. The Swedish government’s plans for implementing youth prisons and amending laws regarding young people’s sentences risk increasing ... -
Slöjdundervisning med nyanlända elever – om multimodal interaktion och kommunikation i slöjdklassrum
(2023-05-17)This thesis aims to identify and describe sloyd teachers and newly arrived students’ multimodal interaction and communication, and how this is expressed in sloyd teaching and the learning environment of the sloyd classroom. ... -
Television Without Frontiers
(2021-02-04)Television Without Frontiers revolves around a TV experiment titled Eurikon, realized in 1982 in an effort to explore the possibility of developing a public service channel spanning the entirety of Western Europe and the ... -
Towards Peasant Cultivation of Abundance
(2024-05-17)This research investigates modes of relations in peasant crop cultivation. The enquiry follows traces of such practices through artistic means, seeking to construct a conceptual framework that diverges from the capitalist ... -
Transmundane Architecture: Architectural Control Relationships Through the Lens of More-than-Human Onto-Epistemologies, Degrowth Practices and Occulture
(2024-11-21)Architecture has traditionally focused on human-centred practices, emphasising control over construction processes and creating internal environments that separate humans from their external surroundings. The growing ... -
Vem vittnar för vittnet? - Det litterära verket som vittnesmål och översättning
(2020-11-06)Two brothers are riding the subway in Toronto. They have been spending some time in the city as guests of their family – aunts and cousins. Everyone is originally from Iran, but the brothers have lived most of their lives ...