Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Greening och browning i Abisko 1986-2018
Verified studies show a trend in warming of global mean temperatures. This warming trend affects
the Arctic region with longer growing seasons and increased photosynthetic activity which is
linked to greening. Changes ...
Återhämtning hos skogsvegetation i Västra Götaland ett år efter torkan 2018. En satellitbaserad fjärranalysstudie
Ökande medeltemperaturer i norra Europa förväntas leda till en högre frekvens av extrema
väderhändelser så som torka. I Sverige var sommaren 2018 varmare och torrare än normalt,
vilket ledde till att skogen tog skada. ...
Torkan 2018 och dess påverkan på skogsvegeationen i Skogaryd och Västra Tunhem, Västra Götaland. - En satellitbaserad fjärranalysstudie
In the summer of 2018 Sweden was hit by a long-term drought that heavily affected the forest
with forest fires that lasted for several months. After the summer a lot of time and resources
were spent on forest fire ...
A case study of a natural habitat for Gymnadenia nigra in Vålådalen, Jämtland, using remote sensing and GIS
Since the early 20th century, changes of agricultural practices in Sweden have led to an
increased competition from more dominant species in the old forage meadows. As a result,
populations of the orchid Gymnadenia nigra ...