Now showing items 1-10 of 160
Temperaturens inverkan på vinterförluster hso svenska honungsbin
Insects, such as the honey bee, play a fundamental part in pollination of both wild plants and in
agriculture and thereby a large part in the food supply for mankind. Declining numbers have
been observed for both honey ...
An Assessment of Wadis as Suitable for Wastewater Treatment, in a Semi-Arid Region with Limited Data Access – Aleppo, Syria
As a consequence of the conflict in Syria, the wastewater treatment plant in southwestern
Aleppo has not been fully functioning since 2013, and wastewater is released into the Queiq
River without adequate treatment. ...
Distribution of salinity measurements and salinity variations on shelf- and in fjord waters, around Svalbard - throughout the last century
Salinity data are an important component of the climate models that seek out to predict the climate
variability. This data, of direct measurements, are scattered and needs to be assembled. This thesis
set out to gather ...
Acid Sulfate Soils in Västra Götaland, Sweden
Acid sulfate soils can cause significant economic, environmental, and health-related issues due to acidification and metal leaching. This thesis investigates the presence of acid sulfate soils in the county of Västra ...
Återvätning av dikad torvmark
Klimatet förändras med ökad global temperatur och extrema värderevent till följd av
mänskliga utsläpp av växthusgaser. Förändring i markanvändningssektorn står för
24% av de totala årliga utsläppen globalt och av de ...
Metoder för bestämning av grävda brunnars influensradie. En fallstudie i dissonans mellan teori och praktik på Kosteröarna
The Koster Islands consists of two archipelago islands situated west of Strömstad, on the westcoast
of Sweden. A popular tourist destination, the islands’ population can rise to over 6 000
on a hot summer day, in contrast ...
Saknade och oönskade turister - Lokalbefolkningens inställning till turism i en pandemi
Tourism impacts the places where it occurs, as well as the local population in these places.
Hence, it’s important to involve the local population in the planning of tourism and tourism
development. The level of involvement ...
Tree ring-based temperature reconstruction, and the influence of the NAO on growth patterns of scots pine in west central Jämtland
The development of tree ring chronologies is an important process in research of past climates.
In this study a new tree ring width (TRW) chronology from west central Jämtland is presented
with the aim of reconstructing ...
För- & postindustriellt sommarklimat i Myrkarby, Bräntings haid och Hall-Hangvar. -En dendroklimatologisk studie
Dendrokronologi är en av de viktigaste daterings- och dokumentationsteknikerna när det
kommer till processer i naturen och mänsklig påverkan på miljön. I denna studie har tallar
från noggrant utvalda provtagningsplatser ...
Snödjupsfördelningens och snödensitetens påverkan på palsdegradationen i Vissatvuopmi, Saarikoski, Lappland
Palsas are mounds of permafrost and or peat/mineralsoil that occurs in areas with
discontinuos permafrost. Palsas has a natural development but in recent decades in step with
the global warming, an increased degradation ...