Now showing items 1-10 of 41
Residential Greenery in Kvillebäcken. A comparative case study of how residential greenery is perceived in East and West Kvillebäcken
Urban greenery and its importance for city citizens' wellbeing has already been well established
in many studies. However, many studies have focused on larger green spaces, such as parks,
during summertime, with fully ...
Undersökning av hetluftflöden i mineralpackade rör
Denna studie var menad att undersöka möjligheten att förbättra lagring av värmeenergi i
borrhål & sätt att lättare utvinna energi via naturgas, specifikt genom att fylla borrhålen med
fasta materialkorn. Specifikt bestod ...
The mapping and study of glacial geomorphology near Piteå, Northeastern Sweden
Since the beginning of the 20th century numerous mapping projects regarding glacial geomorphology
in different regions of Sweden have been published, with methods advancing from in situ field
observations to modern remote ...
How do Female Cyclists Perceive Different Cycling Environments? - A photo-elicitation study in Stockholm, Sweden
This paper aims to identify and investigate the perceptions of less frequent female cyclists’, defined
as not cycling year-around or daily, of different cycling environments in Stockholm. Previous
studies have shown that ...
EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS IN TERRESTRIAL ARCTIC. A literature review focusing on a geographical and temporal perspective
There is a lack of both long-term and short-term observations, studies, and information
about extreme weather events in terrestrial Arctic. Research efforts has been limited in the
wide range of subjects studied relating ...
Plast är billigt och har de användbara egenskaperna att vara formbara och hållbara vilket gör att de
bryts ner långsamt i naturen. Användningen av plast har ökat sedan 1950-talet och är idag ett av de
viktigaste materialen. ...
A Dendrochronological Investigation of the Effects of Climate on Latewood Growth in Bohuslän, Sweden
As climate change becomes a more important issue all over the world, information about past
climate is of high relevance to better understand what is changing and different from the past.
Tree rings can provide information ...
Influences of Urban Geometry on Local Climate A case study of the city of Stockholm
Climate change of anthropogenic origin is having a pivotal impact on urban climate. Urbanisation will
likely continue excelling in the future in conjunction with a growing population, making the
understanding of urban ...
Skogsträdgårdar i offentlig miljö. En jämförande fallstudie av tillsammansodlade skogsträdgårdar i svenska städer
Den här studien undersöker förutsättningar för förvaltning och planering av skogsträdgårdar i
urban miljö i svenska städer. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med olika aktörer undersöks vilka
möjligheter och hinder som uppleves ...
A Dendrochronological Study of Climate Influence on Earlywood growth in Scots Pine in the Nature Reserve Halle-Vagnaren in Bohuslän, Sweden
There has been a great acceleration of global mean surface temperature increase since the
1950s, where changes in different spheres and more frequent weather and climate extremes
have been observed. To be able to better ...